
Compress strings to shrink logs by +75%

Stable C++ C11 Python Rust TypeScript Java Code Size Impact: 50% reduction in log size

Logging is critical, but developers are often forced to choose between additional logging or saving crucial flash space. The pw_tokenizer module enables extensive logging with substantially less memory usage by replacing printf-style strings with binary tokens during compilation. It is designed to integrate easily into existing logging systems.

Although the most common application of pw_tokenizer is binary logging, the tokenizer is general purpose and can be used to tokenize any strings, with or without printf-style arguments.

Why tokenize strings?

  • Dramatically reduce binary size by removing string literals from binaries.

  • Reduce I/O traffic, RAM, and flash usage by sending and storing compact tokens instead of strings. We’ve seen over 50% reduction in encoded log contents.

  • Reduce CPU usage by replacing snprintf calls with simple tokenization code.

  • Remove potentially sensitive log, assert, and other strings from binaries.

Get started

Integrate pw_tokenizer into your project.


Convert strings and arguments to tokens.

Token databases

Store a mapping of tokens to the strings and arguments they represent.


Expand tokens back to the strings and arguments they represent.

API reference

Detailed reference information about the pw_tokenizer API.

Tokenized logging in action#

Here’s an example of how pw_tokenizer enables you to store and send the same logging information using significantly less resources:

flowchart TD subgraph after["After: Tokenized Logs (37 bytes saved!)"] after_log["LOG(#quot;Battery Voltage: %d mV#quot;, voltage)"] -- 4 bytes stored on-device as... --> after_encoding["d9 28 47 8e"] -- 6 bytes sent over the wire as... --> after_transmission["d9 28 47 8e aa 3e"] -- Displayed in logs as... --> after_display["#quot;Battery Voltage: 3989 mV#quot;"] end subgraph before["Before: No Tokenization"] before_log["LOG(#quot;Battery Voltage: %d mV#quot;, voltage)"] -- 41 bytes stored on-device as... --> before_encoding["#quot;Battery Voltage: %d mV#quot;"] -- 43 bytes sent over the wire as... --> before_transmission["#quot;Battery Voltage: 3989 mV#quot;"] -- Displayed in logs as... --> before_display["#quot;Battery Voltage: 3989 mV#quot;"] end style after stroke:#00c852,stroke-width:3px style before stroke:#ff5252,stroke-width:3px

A quick overview of how the tokenized version works:

  • You tokenize "Battery Voltage: %d mV" with a macro like PW_TOKENIZE_STRING. You can use pw_log_tokenized to handle the tokenization automatically.

  • After tokenization, "Battery Voltage: %d mV" becomes d9 28 47 8e.

  • The first 4 bytes sent over the wire is the tokenized version of "Battery Voltage: %d mV". The last 2 bytes are the value of voltage converted to a varint using pw_varint.

  • The logs are converted back to the original, human-readable message via the Detokenization API and a token database.