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pw::stream::Stream Class Referenceabstract

#include <stream.h>

Inheritance diagram for pw::stream::Stream:
pw::stream::Reader pw::stream::ReaderWriter pw::stream::Writer pw::stream::NonSeekableReader pw::stream::RelativeSeekableReader pw::stream::NonSeekableReaderWriter pw::stream::RelativeSeekableReaderWriter pw::stream::NonSeekableWriter pw::stream::RelativeSeekableWriter pw::stream::SeekableReader pw::stream::UartStreamLinux pw::uart::UartStream pw::stream::SeekableReaderWriter pw::stream::SeekableWriter pw::multibuf::Stream

Public Types

enum  Whence : uint8_t { kBeginning = 0b001 , kCurrent = 0b010 , kEnd = 0b100 }
 Positions from which to seek. More...

Public Member Functions

constexpr bool readable () const
constexpr bool writable () const
constexpr bool seekable () const
constexpr bool seekable (Whence origin) const
 True if the stream supports seeking from the specified origin.
Result< ByteSpan > Read (ByteSpan dest)
Result< ByteSpan > Read (void *dest, size_t size_bytes)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Result< ByteSpan > ReadExact (ByteSpan const buffer)
Status Write (ConstByteSpan data)
Status Write (const void *data, size_t size_bytes)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Status Write (const std::byte b)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Status Seek (ptrdiff_t offset, Whence origin=kBeginning)
size_t Tell ()
size_t ConservativeReadLimit () const
size_t ConservativeWriteLimit () const

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr size_t kUnlimited = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()
 Value returned from read/write limit if unlimited.
static constexpr size_t kUnknownPosition = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()
 Returned by Tell() if getting the position is not supported.

Protected Types

enum class  LimitType : bool { kRead , kWrite }

Private Member Functions

virtual StatusWithSize DoRead (ByteSpan destination)=0
 Virtual Read() function implemented by derived classes.
virtual Status DoWrite (ConstByteSpan data)=0
 Virtual Write() function implemented by derived classes.
virtual Status DoSeek (ptrdiff_t offset, Whence origin)=0
 Virtual Seek() function implemented by derived classes.
virtual size_t DoTell ()
virtual size_t ConservativeLimit (LimitType limit_type) const


class Reader
class RelativeSeekableReader
class SeekableReader
class NonSeekableReader
class Writer
class RelativeSeekableWriter
class SeekableWriter
class NonSeekableWriter
class ReaderWriter
class RelativeSeekableReaderWriter
class SeekableReaderWriter
class NonSeekableReaderWriter

Detailed Description

A generic stream that may support reading, writing, and seeking, but makes no guarantees about whether any operations are supported. Unsupported functions return Status::Unimplemented() Stream serves as the base for the Reader, Writer, and ReaderWriter interfaces.

Stream cannot be extended directly. Instead, work with one of the derived classes that explicitly supports the required functionality. Stream should almost never be used in APIs; accept a derived class with the required capabilities instead.

All Stream methods are blocking. They return when the requested operation completes.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Whence

Positions from which to seek.


Seek from the beginning of the stream. The offset is a direct offset into the data.


Seek from the current position in the stream. The offset is added to the current position. Use a negative offset to seek backwards.

Implementations may only support seeking within a limited range from the current position.


Seek from the end of the stream. The offset is added to the end position. Use a negative offset to seek backwards from the end.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ConservativeLimit()

virtual size_t pw::stream::Stream::ConservativeLimit ( LimitType  limit_type) const

Virtual function optionally implemented by derived classes that is used for ConservativeReadLimit() and ConservativeWriteLimit().

The default implementation returns kUnlimited or 0 depending on whether the stream is readable/writable.

Reimplemented in pw::multibuf::Stream.

◆ ConservativeReadLimit()

size_t pw::stream::Stream::ConservativeReadLimit ( ) const

Liklely (not guaranteed) minimum bytes available to read at this time. This number is advisory and not guaranteed to read full number of requested bytes or without a RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED or OUT_OF_RANGE. As Reader processes/handles/receives enqueued data or other contexts read data this number can go up or down for some Readers.

Return values
zeroif, in the current state, Read() would not return OkStatus().
kUnlimitedif the implementation imposes no limits on read sizes.

◆ ConservativeWriteLimit()

size_t pw::stream::Stream::ConservativeWriteLimit ( ) const

Likely (not guaranteed) minimum bytes available to write at this time. This number is advisory and not guaranteed to write without a RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED or OUT_OF_RANGE. As Writer processes/handles enqueued of other contexts write data this number can go up or down for some Writers. Returns zero if, in the current state, Write() would not return OkStatus().

Returns kUnlimited if the implementation has no limits on write sizes.

◆ DoRead()

virtual StatusWithSize pw::stream::Stream::DoRead ( ByteSpan  destination)
privatepure virtual

Virtual Read() function implemented by derived classes.

Implemented in pw::stream::UartStreamLinux, pw::multibuf::Stream, pw::uart::UartStream, and pw::stream::Writer.

◆ DoSeek()

virtual Status pw::stream::Stream::DoSeek ( ptrdiff_t  offset,
Whence  origin 
privatepure virtual

◆ DoTell()

virtual size_t pw::stream::Stream::DoTell ( )

Virtual Tell() function optionally implemented by derived classes. The default implementation always returns kUnknownPosition.

Reimplemented in pw::multibuf::Stream.

◆ DoWrite()

virtual Status pw::stream::Stream::DoWrite ( ConstByteSpan  data)
privatepure virtual

Virtual Write() function implemented by derived classes.

Implemented in pw::multibuf::Stream, pw::stream::UartStreamLinux, pw::uart::UartStream, and pw::stream::Reader.

◆ Read()

Result< ByteSpan > pw::stream::Stream::Read ( ByteSpan  dest)

Reads data from the stream into the provided buffer, if supported. As many bytes as are available up to the buffer size are copied into the buffer. Remaining bytes may by read in subsequent calls. If any number of bytes are read returns OK with a span of the bytes read.

If the reader has been exhausted and is and can no longer read additional bytes it will return OUT_OF_RANGE. This is similar to end-of-file (EOF). Read will only return OUT_OF_RANGE if ConservativeReadLimit() is and will remain zero. A Read operation that is successful and also exhausts the reader returns OK, with all following calls returning OUT_OF_RANGE.

Derived classes should NOT try to override these public read methods. Instead, provide an implementation by overriding DoRead().

*  .. pw-status-codes::
*     OK: Between 1 and ``dest.size_bytes()`` were successfully
*     read. Returns the span of read bytes.
*     UNIMPLEMENTED: This stream does not support reading.
*     FAILED_PRECONDITION: The Reader is not in state to read data.
*     RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Unable to read any bytes at this time. No
*     bytes read. Try again once bytes become available.
*     OUT_OF_RANGE: Reader has been exhausted, similar to EOF. No bytes
*     were read, no more will be read.

◆ readable()

constexpr bool pw::stream::Stream::readable ( ) const
Return values
TrueIf reading is supported.
FalseIf Read() returns UNIMPLEMENTED.

◆ ReadExact()

Result< ByteSpan > pw::stream::Stream::ReadExact ( ByteSpan const  buffer)

Reads exactly the number of bytes requested into the provided buffer, if supported. Internally, the stream is read as many times as necessary to fill the destination buffer. If fewer bytes than requested are available, OUT_OF_RANGE is returned.

Other errors may be returned, as documented on Read().

◆ Seek()

Status pw::stream::Stream::Seek ( ptrdiff_t  offset,
Whence  origin = kBeginning 

Changes the current position in the stream for both reading and writing, if supported.

Seeking to a negative offset is invalid. The behavior when seeking beyond the end of a stream is determined by the implementation. The implementation could fail with OUT_OF_RANGE or append bytes to the stream.

*  .. pw-status-codes::
*     OK: Successfully updated the position.
*     UNIMPLEMENTED: Seeking is not supported for this stream.
*     OUT_OF_RANGE: Attempted to seek beyond the bounds of the
*     stream. The position is unchanged.

◆ seekable()

constexpr bool pw::stream::Stream::seekable ( ) const
Return values
TrueIf the stream supports seeking.
FalseIf the stream does not supports seeking.

◆ Tell()

size_t pw::stream::Stream::Tell ( )

Returns the current position in the stream, if supported. The position is the offset from the beginning of the stream. Returns Stream::kUnknownPosition (size_t(-1)) if the position is unknown.

Streams that support seeking from the beginning always support Tell(). Other streams may or may not support Tell().

◆ writable()

constexpr bool pw::stream::Stream::writable ( ) const
Return values
TrueIf writing is supported.
FalseIf Write() returns UNIMPLEMENTED.

◆ Write()

Status pw::stream::Stream::Write ( ConstByteSpan  data)

Writes data to this stream. Data is not guaranteed to be fully written out to final resting place on Write return.

If the writer is unable to fully accept the input data size it will abort the write and return RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.

If the writer has been exhausted and is and can no longer accept additional bytes it will return OUT_OF_RANGE. This is similar to end-of-file (EOF). Write will only return OUT_OF_RANGE if ConservativeWriteLimit() is and will remain zero. A Write operation that is successful and also exhausts the writer returns OK, with all following calls returning OUT_OF_RANGE. When ConservativeWriteLimit() is greater than zero, a Write that is a number of bytes beyond what will exhaust the Write will abort and return RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED rather than OUT_OF_RANGE because the writer is still able to write bytes.

Derived classes should NOT try to override the public Write methods. Instead, provide an implementation by overriding DoWrite().

*  .. pw-status-codes::
*     OK: Data was successfully accepted by the stream.
*     UNIMPLEMENTED: This stream does not support writing.
*     FAILED_PRECONDITION: The writer is not in a state to accept data.
*     RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: The writer was unable to write all of requested
*     data at this time. No data was written.
*     OUT_OF_RANGE: The Writer has been exhausted, similar to EOF. No
*     data was written; no more will be written.

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