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class  pw::channel::Channel< kDataType, kProperties >
class  pw::channel::AnyChannel
class  pw::channel::ChannelImpl< kDataType, kProperties >
class  pw::channel::Implement< ChannelType >


template<Property... kProperties>
using pw::channel::ByteChannel = Channel< DataType::kByte, kProperties... >
 A ByteChannel exchanges data as a stream of bytes.
template<Property... kProperties>
using pw::channel::DatagramChannel = Channel< DataType::kDatagram, kProperties... >
 A DatagramChannel exchanges data as a series of datagrams.
using pw::channel::ByteReader = ByteChannel< kReadable >
 Unreliable byte-oriented Channel that supports reading.
using pw::channel::ByteWriter = ByteChannel< kWritable >
 Unreliable byte-oriented Channel that supports writing.
using pw::channel::ByteReaderWriter = ByteChannel< kReadable, kWritable >
 Unreliable byte-oriented Channel that supports reading and writing.
using pw::channel::ReliableByteReader = ByteChannel< kReliable, kReadable >
 Reliable byte-oriented Channel that supports reading.
using pw::channel::ReliableByteWriter = ByteChannel< kReliable, kWritable >
 Reliable byte-oriented Channel that supports writing.
using pw::channel::ReliableByteReaderWriter = ByteChannel< kReliable, kReadable, kWritable >
 Reliable byte-oriented Channel that supports reading and writing.
using pw::channel::DatagramReader = DatagramChannel< kReadable >
 Unreliable datagram-oriented Channel that supports reading.
using pw::channel::DatagramWriter = DatagramChannel< kWritable >
 Unreliable datagram-oriented Channel that supports writing.
using pw::channel::DatagramReaderWriter = DatagramChannel< kReadable, kWritable >
 Unreliable datagram-oriented Channel that supports reading and writing.
using pw::channel::ReliableDatagramReader = DatagramChannel< kReliable, kReadable >
 Reliable datagram-oriented Channel that supports reading.
using pw::channel::ReliableDatagramWriter = DatagramChannel< kReliable, kWritable >
 Reliable datagram-oriented Channel that supports writing.
using pw::channel::ReliableDatagramReaderWriter = DatagramChannel< kReliable, kReadable, kWritable >
 Reliable datagram-oriented Channel that supports reading and writing.
template<Property... kProperties>
using pw::channel::ByteChannelImpl = ChannelImpl< DataType::kByte, kProperties... >
 Implement a byte-oriented Channel with the specified properties.
template<Property... kProperties>
using pw::channel::DatagramChannelImpl = ChannelImpl< DataType::kDatagram, kProperties... >
 Implement a datagram-oriented Channel with the specified properties.

Detailed Description