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varint.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "pw_preprocessor/compiler.h"
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include "lib/stdcompat/bit.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"

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namespace  pw
 Provides basic helpers for reading and writing UTF-8 encoded strings.


 Maximum size of an LEB128-encoded uint32_t.
 Maximum size of an LEB128-encoded uint64_t.


 Describes a custom varint format.
enum class  pw::varint::Format { kZeroTerminatedLeastSignificant = PW_VARINT_ZERO_TERMINATED_LEAST_SIGNIFICANT , kZeroTerminatedMostSignificant = PW_VARINT_ZERO_TERMINATED_MOST_SIGNIFICANT , kOneTerminatedLeastSignificant = PW_VARINT_ONE_TERMINATED_LEAST_SIGNIFICANT , kOneTerminatedMostSignificant = PW_VARINT_ONE_TERMINATED_MOST_SIGNIFICANT }
 Describes a custom varint format.


size_t pw_varint_Encode32 (uint32_t integer, void *output, size_t output_size_bytes)
size_t pw_varint_Encode64 (uint64_t integer, void *output, size_t output_size_bytes)
static uint32_t pw_varint_ZigZagEncode32 (int32_t n)
 Zig-zag encodes an int32_t, returning it as a uint32_t.
static uint64_t pw_varint_ZigZagEncode64 (int64_t n)
 Zig-zag encodes an int64_t, returning it as a uint64_t.
static uint8_t pw_varint_EncodeOneByte32 (uint32_t *integer)
static uint8_t pw_varint_EncodeOneByte64 (uint64_t *integer)
static int32_t pw_varint_ZigZagDecode32 (uint32_t n)
 Zig-zag decodes a uint64_t, returning it as an int64_t.
static int64_t pw_varint_ZigZagDecode64 (uint64_t n)
 Zig-zag decodes a uint64_t, returning it as an int64_t.
size_t pw_varint_Decode32 (const void *input, size_t input_size_bytes, uint32_t *output)
size_t pw_varint_Decode64 (const void *input, size_t input_size_bytes, uint64_t *output)
static bool pw_varint_DecodeOneByte32 (uint8_t byte, size_t count, uint32_t *value)
static bool pw_varint_DecodeOneByte64 (uint8_t byte, size_t count, uint64_t *value)
size_t pw_varint_EncodedSizeBytes (uint64_t integer)
 Returns the size of a uint64_t when encoded as a varint (LEB128).
size_t pw_varint_EncodeCustom (uint64_t integer, void *output, size_t output_size, pw_varint_Format format)
 Encodes a uint64_t using a custom varint format.
size_t pw_varint_DecodeCustom (const void *input, size_t input_size, uint64_t *output, pw_varint_Format format)
 Decodes a uint64_t using a custom varint format.
template<typename T >
constexpr std::make_unsigned_t< T > pw::varint::ZigZagEncode (T n)
template<typename T >
constexpr std::make_signed_t< T > pw::varint::ZigZagDecode (T n)
template<typename T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_convertible<T, uint64_t>::value>>
constexpr size_t pw::varint::EncodedSize (T integer)
 Computes the size of an integer when encoded as a varint.
size_t pw::varint::EncodeLittleEndianBase128 (uint64_t integer, const span< std::byte > &output)
template<typename T >
size_t pw::varint::Encode (T integer, const span< std::byte > &output)
size_t pw::varint::Decode (const span< const std::byte > &input, int64_t *output)
size_t pw::varint::Decode (const span< const std::byte > &input, uint64_t *value)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
size_t pw::varint::Encode (uint64_t value, span< std::byte > output, Format format)
 Encodes a varint in a custom format.
size_t pw::varint::Decode (span< const std::byte > input, uint64_t *value, Format format)
 Decodes a varint from a custom format.
constexpr uint64_t pw::varint::MaxValueInBytes (size_t bytes)
 Returns the maximum (max) integer value that can be encoded as a varint into the specified number of bytes.


constexpr size_t pw::varint::kMaxVarint32SizeBytes = 5
 Maximum size of a varint (LEB128) encoded uint32_t.
constexpr size_t pw::varint::kMaxVarint64SizeBytes = 10
 Maximum size of a varint (LEB128) encoded uint64_t.

Detailed Description

The pw_varint module provides functions for encoding and decoding variable length integers or varints. For smaller values, varints require less memory than a fixed-size encoding. For example, a 32-bit (4-byte) integer requires 1–5 bytes when varint-encoded.

pw_varint supports custom variable-length encodings with different terminator bit values and positions (

embed:rst:inline :cpp:type:`pw::varint::Format` 

). The basic encoding for unsigned integers is Little Endian Base 128 (LEB128). ZigZag encoding is also supported, which maps negative integers to positive integers to improve encoding density for LEB128.

Protocol Buffers and

embed:rst:inline :ref:`HDLC <module-pw_hdlc>` 

use variable-length integer encodings for integers.

Macro Definition Documentation


((unsigned long long)value < (1u << 7) ? 1u \
: (unsigned long long)value < (1u << 14) ? 2u \
: (unsigned long long)value < (1u << 21) ? 3u \
: (unsigned long long)value < (1u << 28) ? 4u \
: (unsigned long long)value < (1llu << 35) ? 5u \
: (unsigned long long)value < (1llu << 42) ? 6u \
: (unsigned long long)value < (1llu << 49) ? 7u \
: (unsigned long long)value < (1llu << 56) ? 8u \
: (unsigned long long)value < (1llu << 63) ? 9u \
: 10u)

Macro that returns the encoded size of up to a 64-bit integer. This is inefficient, but is a constant expression if the input is a constant. Use pw_varint_EncodedSizeBytes for runtime encoded size calculation.

Function Documentation

◆ Decode()

size_t pw::varint::Decode ( const span< const std::byte > &  input,
int64_t *  output 

Decodes a varint-encoded value. If reading into a signed integer, the value is ZigZag decoded.

Returns the number of bytes read from the input if successful. Returns zero if the result does not fit in a int64_t/ uint64_t or if the input is exhausted before the number terminates. Reads a maximum of 10 bytes.

The following example decodes multiple varints from a buffer:

while (!data.empty()) {
int64_t value;
size_t bytes = Decode(data, &value);
if (bytes == 0u) {
return Status::DataLoss();
data = data.subspan(bytes)

◆ Encode()

template<typename T >
size_t pw::varint::Encode ( integer,
const span< std::byte > &  output 

Encodes the provided integer using a variable-length encoding and returns the number of bytes written.

The encoding is the same as used in protocol buffers. Signed integers are ZigZag encoded to remove leading 1s from small negative numbers, then the resulting number is encoded as Little Endian Base 128 (LEB128). Unsigned integers are encoded directly as LEB128.

Returns the number of bytes written or 0 if the result didn't fit in the encoding buffer.

◆ EncodedSize()

template<typename T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_convertible<T, uint64_t>::value>>
constexpr size_t pw::varint::EncodedSize ( integer)

Computes the size of an integer when encoded as a varint.

integerThe integer whose encoded size is to be computed. integer can be signed or unsigned.
The size of integer when encoded as a varint.

◆ EncodeLittleEndianBase128()

size_t pw::varint::EncodeLittleEndianBase128 ( uint64_t  integer,
const span< std::byte > &  output 

Encodes a uint64_t with Little-Endian Base 128 (LEB128) encoding.

the number of bytes written; 0 if the buffer is too small

◆ MaxValueInBytes()

constexpr uint64_t pw::varint::MaxValueInBytes ( size_t  bytes)

Returns the maximum (max) integer value that can be encoded as a varint into the specified number of bytes.

The following table lists the max value for each byte size:

Bytes Max value
1 127
2 16,383
3 2,097,151
4 268,435,455
5 34,359,738,367
6 4,398,046,511,103
7 562,949,953,421,311
8 72,057,594,037,927,935
9 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
10 (uint64 max value)
bytesThe size of the varint, in bytes. 5 bytes are needed for the max uint32 value. 10 bytes are needed for the max uint64 value.
The max integer value for a varint of size bytes.

◆ pw_varint_Decode32()

size_t pw_varint_Decode32 ( const void *  input,
size_t  input_size_bytes,
uint32_t *  output 

Decodes an LEB128-encoded integer to a uint32_t.

the number of bytes read; 0 if decoding failed

◆ pw_varint_Decode64()

size_t pw_varint_Decode64 ( const void *  input,
size_t  input_size_bytes,
uint64_t *  output 

Decodes an LEB128-encoded integer to a uint64_t.

the number of bytes read; 0 if decoding failed

◆ pw_varint_DecodeOneByte32()

static bool pw_varint_DecodeOneByte32 ( uint8_t  byte,
size_t  count,
uint32_t *  value 

Decodes one byte of an LEB128-encoded integer to a uint32_t.

true if there is more data to decode (top bit is set).

◆ pw_varint_DecodeOneByte64()

static bool pw_varint_DecodeOneByte64 ( uint8_t  byte,
size_t  count,
uint64_t *  value 

Decodes one byte of an LEB128-encoded integer to a uint64_t.

true if there is more data to decode (top bit is set).

◆ pw_varint_Encode32()

size_t pw_varint_Encode32 ( uint32_t  integer,
void *  output,
size_t  output_size_bytes 

Encodes a 32-bit integer as LEB128.

the number of bytes written

◆ pw_varint_Encode64()

size_t pw_varint_Encode64 ( uint64_t  integer,
void *  output,
size_t  output_size_bytes 

Encodes a 64-bit integer as LEB128.

the number of bytes written

◆ pw_varint_EncodeOneByte32()

static uint8_t pw_varint_EncodeOneByte32 ( uint32_t *  integer)

Extracts and encodes 7 bits from the integer. Sets the top bit to indicate more data is coming, which must be cleared if this was the last byte.

◆ pw_varint_EncodeOneByte64()

static uint8_t pw_varint_EncodeOneByte64 ( uint64_t *  integer)

Extracts and encodes 7 bits from the integer. Sets the top bit to indicate more data is coming, which must be cleared if this was the last byte.

◆ ZigZagDecode()

template<typename T >
constexpr std::make_signed_t< T > pw::varint::ZigZagDecode ( n)

ZigZag decodes a signed integer.

The calculation is done modulo std::numeric_limits<T>::max()+1, so the unsigned integer overflows are intentional.

◆ ZigZagEncode()

template<typename T >
constexpr std::make_unsigned_t< T > pw::varint::ZigZagEncode ( n)

ZigZag encodes a signed integer. This maps small negative numbers to small, unsigned positive numbers, which improves their density for LEB128 encoding.

ZigZag encoding works by moving the sign bit from the most-significant bit to the least-significant bit. For the signed k-bit integer n, the formula is:

(n << 1) ^ (n >> (k - 1))

See the following for a description of ZigZag encoding: https://protobuf.dev/programming-guides/encoding/#signed-ints