5. Run host tests#

pw_unit_test provides an extensive GoogleTest-compatible unit testing framework. Before building and running the app, let’s first verify that the app’s logic is correct by exercising the app’s unit tests:

  1. Open //modules/blinky/blinky_test.cc.

  2. Make the Toggle test fail by changing one of the expected values. Example:

    TEST_F(BlinkyTest, Toggle) {
      // ...
      auto event = FirstActive();
      ASSERT_NE(event, monochrome_led_.events().end());
      EXPECT_EQ(event->state, State::kInactive);   // add this line
      // EXPECT_EQ(event->state, State::kActive);  // comment out this line
      EXPECT_GE(ToMs(event->timestamp - start), kIntervalMs * 0);
      start = event->timestamp;
      // ...


    Remember to save your changes!

  3. Run the tests:

    In Bazel Build Targets expand //modules/blinky, then right-click :blinky_test (cc_test), then select Test target.

    Selecting Test target

    Starting blinky_test#

    A task launches a terminal. You should see blinky_test fail:

    //modules/blinky:blinky_test         FAILED in 0.4s

    Press any key to close the terminal that the task launched.


    bazelisk test //... runs all unit tests. This command needs to be run from a terminal with bazelisk on its path. The Pigweed extension for VS Code automatically downloads bazelisk for you and puts it on your VS Code terminal path so that you can use bazelisk from VS Code terminal without any manual setup.

    Run the following command. You should see output similar to what’s shown after the command. The key line is Executed 1 out of 1 test: 1 fails locally.

    $ bazelisk test //modules/blinky:blinky_test
    # ...
    //modules/blinky:blinky_test         FAILED in 0.4s
    Executed 1 out of 1 test: 1 fails locally.
    # ...


    To run all host tests, call bazelisk test //....

  4. Revert the test to its original state.

  5. Run the tests again and make sure they pass this time.

    You should see blinky_test pass this second time:

    //modules/blinky:blinky_test         PASSED in 0.4s


If you see warnings that begin with There were tests whose specified size is too big, you can ignore them. If you encounter this warning in your own project, it means you need to adjust the timeout of the tests.


You might have found it a little strange (and boring) that we’re showing you unit tests right now, rather than demo’ing apps. We’re getting to the fun stuff soon, we promise! The reason we showed you testing now is because it’s a very important part of Pigweed’s mission. When you’re on a large embedded development team creating a new product, it’s so much easier to iterate quickly when you have confidence that your code changes aren’t introducing bugs in other parts of the codebase. The best way to build that confidence is to rigorously test every part of your codebase. Pigweed spends a lot of time making it easier for teams to test their codebases, such as making it possible to run unit tests on your development host rather than on physical hardware. This is especially useful when your physical hardware doesn’t exist yet because your hardware team hasn’t finished designing it!

Another reason why it’s important to make host-portable code: security and robustness. This enables us to run modern code analysis tooling like ASAN, TSAN, MSAN, fuzzers, and more against Sense. These tools are unlikely to run correctly in on-device embedded contexts. Fun fact: We caught real bugs in Sense with this tooling during development!

As promised, now it’s time for the fun stuff. Head over to 6. Run the host app to start trying out the bringup app (blinky).