No Matches
pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T > Class Template Reference

#include <intrusive_forward_list.h>


class  Item

Public Types

using element_type = T
using value_type = std::remove_cv_t< element_type >
using size_type = std::size_t
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
using reference = value_type &
using const_reference = const value_type &
using pointer = element_type *
using const_pointer = const element_type *
using iterator = typename ::pw::containers::internal::ForwardIterator< T, ItemBase >
using const_iterator = typename ::pw::containers::internal::ForwardIterator< std::add_const_t< T >, const ItemBase >

Public Member Functions

 IntrusiveForwardList (const IntrusiveForwardList &)=delete
IntrusiveForwardListoperator= (const IntrusiveForwardList &)=delete
 IntrusiveForwardList (IntrusiveForwardList &&)=default
IntrusiveForwardListoperator= (IntrusiveForwardList &&)=default
template<typename Iterator >
 IntrusiveForwardList (Iterator first, Iterator last)
 IntrusiveForwardList (std::initializer_list< Item * > items)
 Constructs a list from a std::initializer_list of pointers to items.
template<typename Iterator >
void assign (Iterator first, Iterator last)
void assign (std::initializer_list< T * > items)
reference front ()
 Reference to the first element in the list. Undefined behavior if empty().
const_reference front () const
iterator before_begin () noexcept
const_iterator before_begin () const noexcept
const_iterator cbefore_begin () const noexcept
iterator begin () noexcept
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
const_iterator end () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
bool empty () const noexcept
constexpr size_type max_size () const noexcept
void clear ()
iterator insert_after (iterator pos, T &item)
 Inserts the given item after the given position, pos.
template<typename Iterator >
iterator insert_after (iterator pos, Iterator first, Iterator last)
iterator insert_after (iterator pos, std::initializer_list< T * > items)
iterator erase_after (iterator pos)
 Removes the item following pos from the list. The item is not destructed.
iterator erase_after (iterator first, iterator last)
 Removes the range of items from first (inclusive) to last (exclusive).
void push_front (T &item)
 Inserts the item at the start of the list.
void pop_front ()
 Removes the first item in the list. The list must not be empty.
void swap (IntrusiveForwardList< T > &other) noexcept
void merge (IntrusiveForwardList< T > &other)
template<typename Compare >
void merge (IntrusiveForwardList< T > &other, Compare comp)
void splice_after (iterator pos, IntrusiveForwardList< T > &other)
void splice_after (iterator pos, IntrusiveForwardList< T > &other, iterator it)
void splice_after (iterator pos, IntrusiveForwardList< T > &other, iterator first, iterator last)
bool remove (const T &item)
template<typename UnaryPredicate >
size_type remove_if (UnaryPredicate pred)
void reverse ()
size_type unique ()
template<typename BinaryPredicate >
size_type unique (BinaryPredicate pred)
void sort ()
template<typename Compare >
void sort (Compare comp)


template<typename >
class containers::internal::LegacyIntrusiveList

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >

A singly-list intrusive list.

IntrusiveForwardList<T> is a handle to access and manipulate the list, and IntrusiveForwardList<T>::Item is the type from which the base class items must derive.

As a singly-linked list, the overhead required is only sizeof(T*). However, operations such as removal may require O(n) time to walk the length of the list.

This class is modeled on std::forward_list, with the following differences:

  • Since items are not allocated by this class, the following methods have no analogue:
    • std::forward_list<T>::get_allocator
    • std::forward_list<T>::emplace_after
    • std::forward_list<T>::emplace_front
    • std::forward_list<T>::resize
  • Methods corresponding to the following take initializer lists of pointer to items rather than the itenms themselves:
    • std::forward_list<T>::(constructor)
    • std::forward_list<T>::assign
    • std::forward_list<T>::insert_after
  • There are no overloads corresponding to the following methods that take r-value references.:
    • std::forward_list<T>::insert_after
    • std::forward_list<T>::push_front
    • std::forward_list<T>::splice_after
  • Since modifying the list modifies the items themselves, methods corresponding to those below only take iterators and not const_iterators:
    • std::forward_list<T>::insert_after
    • std::forward_list<T>::erase_after
    • std::forward_list<T>::splice_after
  • C++23 methods are not (yet) supported.
Template Parameters
TType of intrusive items stored in the list.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IntrusiveForwardList() [1/2]

template<typename T >
pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::IntrusiveForwardList ( IntrusiveForwardList< T > &&  )

Moves the other list's contents into this list.

This is O(n).

◆ IntrusiveForwardList() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Iterator >
pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::IntrusiveForwardList ( Iterator  first,
Iterator  last 

Constructs a list from an iterator over items. The iterator may dereference as either Item& (e.g. from std::array<Item>) or Item* (e.g. from std::initializer_list<Item*>).

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

template<typename T >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::clear ( )

◆ empty()

template<typename T >
bool pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::empty ( ) const

◆ insert_after() [1/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Iterator >
iterator pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::insert_after ( iterator  pos,
Iterator  first,
Iterator  last 

Inserts the range of items from first (inclusive) to last (exclusive) after the given position, pos.

◆ insert_after() [2/2]

template<typename T >
iterator pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::insert_after ( iterator  pos,
std::initializer_list< T * >  items 

Inserts the range of items from first (inclusive) to last (exclusive) after the given position, pos.

◆ max_size()

template<typename T >
constexpr size_type pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::max_size ( ) const

◆ merge() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::merge ( IntrusiveForwardList< T > &  other)

This overload uses T::operator<.

◆ merge() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Compare >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::merge ( IntrusiveForwardList< T > &  other,
Compare  comp 

◆ operator=()

template<typename T >
IntrusiveForwardList & pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::operator= ( IntrusiveForwardList< T > &&  )

Clears this list and moves the other list's contents into it.

This is O(n).

◆ remove()

template<typename T >
bool pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::remove ( const T &  item)

◆ remove_if()

template<typename T >
template<typename UnaryPredicate >
size_type pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::remove_if ( UnaryPredicate  pred)

◆ reverse()

template<typename T >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::reverse ( )

◆ sort() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::sort ( )

This overload uses T::operator<.

◆ sort() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename Compare >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::sort ( Compare  comp)

◆ splice_after() [1/3]

template<typename T >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::splice_after ( iterator  pos,
IntrusiveForwardList< T > &  other 

Inserts the items of other to after pos in this list. Upon returning, other will be empty.

◆ splice_after() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::splice_after ( iterator  pos,
IntrusiveForwardList< T > &  other,
iterator  first,
iterator  last 

Moves the items exclusively between first and last from other to after pos in this list.

◆ splice_after() [3/3]

template<typename T >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::splice_after ( iterator  pos,
IntrusiveForwardList< T > &  other,
iterator  it 

Moves the item pointed to by the iterator following it from other to after pos in this list.

◆ swap()

template<typename T >
void pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::swap ( IntrusiveForwardList< T > &  other)

Exchanges this list's items with the other list's items.

This is O(n), where "n" is the number of items in the range.

◆ unique() [1/2]

template<typename T >
size_type pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::unique ( )

This overload uses T::operator==.

◆ unique() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename BinaryPredicate >
size_type pw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::unique ( BinaryPredicate  pred)

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