►CAATreeItem | |
►Cpw::containers::internal::AATree< K, V >::Item | |
Cpw::containers::internal::AATree< K, V >::Pair | An extension of Item that includes storage for a key |
►Ccontainers::internal::AATreeIterator | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMap< Key, T >::const_iterator | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMap< Key, T >::iterator | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiMap< Key, T >::const_iterator | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiMap< Key, T >::iterator | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiSet< T >::const_iterator | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiSet< T >::iterator | |
Cpw::IntrusiveSet< T >::const_iterator | |
Cpw::IntrusiveSet< T >::iterator | |
Cpw::i2c::Address | |
Cpw::allocator::AddTrackingAllocatorAsChild | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::AdvertisedPeripheral2 | AdvertisedPeripheral instances are valid for the duration of advertising |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Peripheral2::AdvertisingIntervalRange | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Peripheral2::AdvertisingParameters | Represents the parameters for configuring advertisements |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::AlignableBase | |
►Cpw::allocator::AlignableBlock< DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > | |
►Cpw::allocator::AlignableBlock< SmallAlignableBlock > | |
Cpw::allocator::SmallAlignableBlock | An alignable version of SmallBlock |
Cpw::allocator::AlignableBlock< Derived > | |
Cpw::allocator::AlignedBuffer< kBufferSize, kAlignment > | Convenience alias for creating aligned byte buffers |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::AllocatableBase | |
►Cpw::allocator::AllocatableBlock< DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > | |
Cpw::allocator::AllocatableBlock< Derived > | |
Cpw::allocator::test::AllocationRequest | Represents a request to allocate some memory |
►Cpw::analog::AnalogInput | |
Cpw::analog::MicrovoltInput | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Peripheral2::ExtendedAdvertising::Anonymous | Anonymous advertisements do not include the address |
Cpw::system::AsyncCore | |
Cpw::async2::internal::Awaitable< Pendable, PromiseType > | |
Cpw::allocator::size_report::Bar | Type used for exercising an allocator |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::BaseWithLayout | |
►Cpw::allocator::BlockWithLayout< DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > | |
Cpw::allocator::BlockWithLayout< Derived > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::BasicBase | |
►Cpw::allocator::BasicBlock< DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > | |
►Cpw::allocator::BasicBlock< BuddyBlock > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BuddyBlock | |
Cpw::allocator::BasicBlock< Derived > | |
►Cpw::BasicInlineDeque< ValueType, SizeType, containers::internal::kGenericSized > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDequeStorage< ValueType, SizeType, kCapacity, false > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDequeStorage< ValueType, SizeType, kCapacity, true > | |
►Cpw::BasicInlineDequeStorage< ValueType, SizeType, kCapacity, kIsTriviallyDestructible > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDeque< Event, kCapacity > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDeque< pw::digital_io::DigitalInOutMockImpl::Event > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDeque< WorkItem, SizeType, containers::internal::kGenericSized > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDeque< WorkItem, kWorkQueueEntries, containers::internal::kGenericSized > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDeque< ValueType, SizeType, kCapacity > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDequeStorage< Event, kCapacity, containers::internal::kGenericSized, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< Event > > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDequeStorage< pw::digital_io::DigitalInOutMockImpl::Event, SizeType, containers::internal::kGenericSized, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< pw::digital_io::DigitalInOutMockImpl::Event > > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDequeStorage< ValueType, SizeType, containers::internal::kGenericSized, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< ValueType > > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDequeStorage< WorkItem, kWorkQueueEntries, kCapacity, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< WorkItem > > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineDequeStorage< WorkItem, SizeType, kCapacity, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< WorkItem > > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineQueue< ValueType, SizeType, kCapacity > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineQueue< ValueType, SizeType, containers::internal::kGenericSized > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineQueue< WorkItem > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineQueue< WorkItem, kWorkQueueEntries > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineVarLenEntryQueue< T, kMaxSizeBytes > | |
Cpw::BasicInlineVarLenEntryQueue< T, containers::internal::kGenericSized > | |
Cpw::allocator::size_report::Baz | Type used for exercising an allocator |
Cpw::sync::BinarySemaphore | |
Cpw::log_tokenized::internal::BitField< T, kBits, kShift > | |
Cpw::log_tokenized::internal::BitField< T, 0, kShift > | |
Cpw::allocator::test::BlockAllocatorTest< typename, size_t > | |
►Cpw::sync::Borrowable< GuardedType, LockType > | |
Cpw::sync::InlineBorrowable< GuardedType, Lock, LockInterface > | |
Cpw::sync::TimedBorrowable< GuardedType, LockType > | |
Cpw::sync::Borrowable< GuardedType, pw::sync::VirtualBasicLockable > | |
Cpw::sync::Borrowable< pw::Allocator, LockType > | |
Cpw::sync::Borrowable< pw::Allocator, pw::sync::Mutex > | |
Cpw::sync::Borrowable< pw::digital_io::McuxpressoPintController > | |
►Cinternal::BorrowableStorage | |
Cpw::sync::InlineBorrowable< GuardedType, Lock, LockInterface > | |
Cpw::sync::BorrowedPointer< GuardedType, LockType > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< Derived, BlockType_, ItemType_ > | |
Cpw::allocator::FastSortedBucket< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::FastSortedBucket< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::ReverseFastSortedBucket< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::SequencedBucket< FirstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::SortedBucketBase< ForwardSortedBucket< BlockType >, BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::ForwardSortedBucket< BlockType > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::SortedBucketBase< ReverseSortedBucket< BlockType >, BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::ReverseSortedBucket< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::SortedBucketBase< ForwardSortedBucket< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > >, BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::SortedBucketBase< ForwardSortedBucket< TlsfBlock< uint32_t > >, TlsfBlock< uint32_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::SortedBucketBase< ReverseSortedBucket< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > >, WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< Derived, BlockType, SortedItem > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::SortedBucketBase< Derived, BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::ForwardSortedBucket< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::ForwardSortedBucket< TlsfBlock< uint32_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::ReverseSortedBucket< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< FastSortedBucket< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > >, BestFitBlock< uintptr_t >, FastSortedItem< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > > > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< FastSortedBucket< BlockType >, BlockType, FastSortedItem< BlockType > > | |
Cpw::allocator::FastSortedBucket< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< FastSortedBucket< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > >, WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t >, FastSortedItem< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< ForwardSortedBucket< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > >, BestFitBlock< uintptr_t >, SortedItem > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< ForwardSortedBucket< BlockType >, BlockType, SortedItem > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< ForwardSortedBucket< TlsfBlock< uint32_t > >, TlsfBlock< uint32_t >, SortedItem > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< ReverseFastSortedBucket< BlockType >, BlockType, FastSortedItem< BlockType > > | |
Cpw::allocator::ReverseFastSortedBucket< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< ReverseFastSortedBucket< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > >, WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t >, FastSortedItem< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< ReverseSortedBucket< BlockType >, BlockType, SortedItem > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< ReverseSortedBucket< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > >, WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t >, SortedItem > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< SequencedBucket< BlockType >, BlockType, SequencedItem > | |
Cpw::allocator::SequencedBucket< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< SequencedBucket< FirstFitBlock< uintptr_t > >, FirstFitBlock< uintptr_t >, SequencedItem > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::BucketBase< UnorderedBucket< BlockType >, BlockType, UnorderedItem > | |
Cpw::allocator::UnorderedBucket< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::TypedPool< T >::Buffer< kNumObjects > | Provides aligned storage for kNumObjects of type T |
►Cpw::ByteBuilder | |
Cpw::ByteBuffer< kSizeBytes > | ByteBuffers declare a buffer along with a ByteBuilder |
Cpw::allocator::Capabilities | |
►Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Central2 | Represents the LE central role. Used to scan and connect to peripherals |
Cpw::bluetooth_sapphire::Central | Must only be constructed and destroyed on the Bluetooth thread |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< kDataType, kProperties > | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Channel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kByte, kReadable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kByte, kReadable, kWritable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kByte, kReliable, kReadable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kByte, kReliable, kReadable, kWritable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kByte, kReliable, kWritable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kByte, kWritable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kDatagram, kReadable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kDatagram, kReadable, kWritable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kDatagram, kReliable, kReadable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kDatagram, kReliable, kReadable, kWritable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kDatagram, kReliable, kWritable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Channel< DataType::kDatagram, kWritable > | |
Cpw::channel::AnyChannel | |
►Cpw::rpc::internal::ChannelBase | |
Cpw::rpc::Channel | |
Cpw::channel::ChannelImpl< kDataType, kProperties > | |
►Cpw::channel::ChannelImpl< kDataType, kProperties... > | |
Cpw::channel::Implement< Channel< kDataType, kProperties... > > | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::ChannelListener | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::ChannelListenerRegistry | |
Cpw::rpc::ChannelOutput | |
►Cpw::spi::ChipSelector | |
Cpw::spi::DigitalOutChipSelector | |
Cpw::multibuf::Chunk | |
►Cpw::multibuf::ChunkRegionTracker | |
Cpw::multibuf::HeaderChunkRegionTracker | |
Cpw::multibuf::SingleChunkRegionTracker | |
Cpw::multibuf::internal::LinkedRegionTracker | |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::Client2 | Represents a GATT client that interacts with services on a GATT server |
►Cpw::clock_tree::ClockDivider | |
►Cpw::clock_tree::ClockDividerElement< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoDivider< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockTree | |
Cpw::utf::CodePointAndSize | |
Cpw::stream::UartStreamLinux::Config | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Connection2 | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Connection2::ConnectionOptions | Represents parameters that are set on a per-connection basis |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Connection2::ConnectionParameters | Actual connection parameters returned by the controller |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Connection2::ConnectL2capParameters | |
Cpw::multibuf::MultiBuf::const_iterator | A const std::forward_iterator over the bytes of a MultiBuf |
Cpw::multibuf::MultiBufChunks::const_iterator | A const std::forward_iterator over the Chunk s of a MultiBuf |
Cpw::ConstexprTag | |
Cpw::async2::Context | |
Cpw::async::Context | Contextual information provided by a Dispatcher to a running task |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::ContiguousBase | |
►Cpw::allocator::ContiguousBlock< DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > | |
Cpw::allocator::ContiguousBlock< Derived > | |
►Cinternal::Conversions | |
►Cpw::digital_io::DigitalIn | |
Cpw::digital_io::McuxpressoDigitalIn | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInInterrupt | |
►Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInOut | |
►Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInOutMockImpl | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInOutMock< kCapacity > | |
►Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInOutInterrupt | |
Cpw::digital_io::McuxpressoDigitalInOutInterrupt | |
►Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInterrupt | |
Cpw::digital_io::McuxpressoPintInterrupt | |
►Cpw::digital_io::DigitalOut | |
Cpw::digital_io::McuxpressoDigitalOut | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalOutInterrupt | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::CopyConst< From, To > | Helper type that copies const-qualifers between types |
Cpw::async2::Coro< T > | |
Cpw::async2::Coro< pw::Status > | |
Cpw::async2::CoroContext | Context required for creating and executing coroutines |
Cpw::async2::internal::CoroPromiseType< T > | |
Cpw::sync::CountingSemaphore | |
Cpw::unit_test::internal::CStringArg | |
Cpw::allocator::test::DeallocationRequest | Represents a request to free some allocated memory |
►Cpw::Deallocator | Abstract interface for releasing memory |
►Cpw::Allocator | |
Cpw::allocator::SynchronizedAllocator< pw::sync::Mutex > | |
Cpw::allocator::TrackingAllocator< internal::AllMetrics > | |
Cpw::allocator::test::AllocatorForTest< 1024 > | |
Cpw::allocator::BuddyAllocator< kMinOuterSize_, kNumBuckets > | |
Cpw::allocator::BumpAllocator | |
Cpw::allocator::FallbackAllocator | |
Cpw::allocator::LibCAllocator | |
Cpw::allocator::NullAllocator | |
Cpw::allocator::SynchronizedAllocator< LockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::TrackingAllocator< MetricsType > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::GenericBlockAllocator | |
Cpw::allocator::BlockAllocator< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::BlockAllocator< BucketBlock<> > | |
Cpw::allocator::BlockAllocator< DlBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::BlockAllocator< FirstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::BlockAllocator< TlsfBlock< uint32_t > > | |
Cpw::allocator::BlockAllocator< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > | |
►Cpw::allocator::BlockAllocator< BlockType_ > | |
Cpw::allocator::BestFitAllocator< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::BucketAllocator< BlockType, kMinInnerSize, kNumBuckets > | |
Cpw::allocator::DlAllocator< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::FirstFitAllocator< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::TlsfAllocator< BlockType, kMinSize, kNumShelves > | |
Cpw::allocator::WorstFitAllocator< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::test::AllocatorForTest< kBufferSize, BlockType_, MetricsType > | An AllocatorForTest that is automatically initialized on construction |
►Cpw::allocator::Pool | |
Cpw::allocator::AllocatorAsPool | Implementation of Pool that satisfies requests using an Allocator |
►Cpw::allocator::ChunkPool | |
Cpw::allocator::TypedPool< T > | |
►Cpw::hdlc::Decoder | |
Cpw::hdlc::DecoderBuffer< kSizeBytes > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockParameters< OffsetType_, WhenFree > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockParameters< OffsetType_, void > | |
Cpw::tokenizer::DetokenizedString | |
Cpw::tokenizer::Detokenizer | |
►Cpw::i2c::Device | |
Cpw::i2c::RegisterDevice | |
►Cpw::digital_io::DigitalIoOptional | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalIn | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInInterrupt | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInOut | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInOutInterrupt | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInterrupt | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalOut | |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalOutInterrupt | |
Cpw::async2::Dispatcher | A single-threaded cooperatively-scheduled runtime for async tasks |
►Cpw::clock_tree::Element | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ElementBlocking | |
►Cpw::clock_tree::ElementNonBlockingCannotFail | |
►Cpw::clock_tree::ClockSource< ElementNonBlockingCannotFail > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoFro | Class implementing an FRO clock source |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoLpOsc | Class implementing the low power oscillator clock source |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockSourceNoOp | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ElementNonBlockingMightFail | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ElementController | |
►CElementType | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockSource< ElementType > | |
►Cpw::clock_tree::DependentElement< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockDividerElement< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoAudioPll< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoClkIn< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoClockIp< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoFrg< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoMclk< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoRtc< ElementType > | |
Cpw::clock_tree::ClockMcuxpressoSelector< ElementType > | |
Cpw::elf::ElfReader | A basic reader for ELF files |
►Ctesting::EmptyTestEventListener | |
Cpw::unit_test::GoogleTestHandlerAdapter | |
Cpw::utf8::EncodedCodePoint | Encapsulates the result of encoding a single code point as UTF-8 |
Cpw::tokenizer::EncodedMessage< kMaxSizeBytes > | |
Cpw::hdlc::Encoder | Encodes and writes HDLC frames |
Cpw::tokenizer::TokenDatabase::Entries | |
Cpw::BasicInlineVarLenEntryQueue< T, kMaxSizeBytes >::Entry | Refers to an entry in-place in the queue. Entries may be discontiguous |
Cpw::tokenizer::TokenDatabase::Entry | An entry in the token database |
Cpw::digital_io::DigitalInOutMockImpl::Event | |
Cpw::perf_test::EventHandler | |
►Cpw::unit_test::EventHandler | |
►Cpw::unit_test::GoogleTestStyleEventHandler | |
Cpw::unit_test::PrintfEventHandler | |
Cpw::unit_test::SimplePrintingEventHandler | |
Cpw::unit_test::LoggingEventHandler | |
Cpw::unit_test::MultiEventHandler< kNumHandlers > | |
Cpw::unit_test::TestRecordEventHandler | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Peripheral2::ExtendedAdvertising | |
Cpw::unit_test::internal::FailureMessageAdapter | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Cpw::json_impl::InvalidJsonType< T > | |
Cpw::containers::FilteredView< Container, Filter > | |
Cpw::protobuf::Finder< T, kReadFn > | |
►Cpw::protobuf::Finder< uint32_t, &Decoder::ReadUint32 > | |
Cpw::protobuf::EnumFinder< T > | |
Cpw::dump::FormattedHexDumper::Flags | |
Cpw::allocator::size_report::Foo | Type used for exercising an allocator |
Cpw::dump::FormattedHexDumper | |
Cpw::channel::internal::ForwardingChannel< kType > | |
Cpw::channel::ForwardingChannelPair< kType > | |
Cpw::channel::ForwardingChannelPair< DataType::kByte > | |
Cpw::channel::ForwardingChannelPair< DataType::kDatagram > | |
Cpw::allocator::Fragmentation | |
Cpw::hdlc::Frame | |
Cpw::unit_test::internal::Framework | |
►Cpw::containers::internal::GenericAATree | |
Cpw::containers::internal::AATree< Key, T > | |
Cpw::containers::internal::AATree< const T &, T > | |
Cpw::containers::internal::AATree< size_t, pw::allocator::FastSortedItem< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > > > | |
Cpw::containers::internal::AATree< size_t, pw::allocator::FastSortedItem< BlockType > > | |
Cpw::containers::internal::AATree< size_t, pw::allocator::FastSortedItem< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > > | |
Cpw::containers::internal::AATree< K, V > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::GenericBlockResult | |
Cpw::allocator::BlockResult< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::GenericBuddyAllocator | |
Cpw::containers::internal::GenericIntrusiveList< Item > | |
Cpw::containers::internal::GenericIntrusiveList< ItemBase > | |
Cpw::log_tokenized::GenericMetadata< kLevelBits, kLineBits, kFlagBits, kModuleBits, T > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::GenericOwned | Type-erased base class to allow destroying a generic instance of Owned |
Cpw::allocator::internal::Owned< T > | |
►Cpw::bluetooth::proxy::H4PacketInterface | |
Cpw::bluetooth::proxy::H4PacketWithH4 | H4PacketWithH4 is an H4Packet backed by an H4 buffer |
Cpw::bluetooth::proxy::H4PacketWithHci | H4PacketWithHci is an H4Packet backed by an HCI buffer |
Cpw::channel::Implement< ChannelType > | |
►Cpw::channel::Implement< ByteReaderWriter > | |
Cpw::channel::EpollChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Implement< channel::ByteReaderWriter > | |
Cpw::channel::StreamChannel | |
►Cpw::channel::Implement< pw::channel::ReliableDatagramReaderWriter > | |
Cpw::bluetooth::Controller2 | |
►Cpw::channel::Implement< ReliableByteReaderWriter > | |
Cpw::channel::LoopbackChannel< DataType::kByte > | |
Cpw::channel::internal::ForwardingChannel< DataType::kByte > | |
►Cpw::channel::Implement< ReliableDatagramReaderWriter > | |
Cpw::channel::LoopbackChannel< DataType::kDatagram > | |
Cpw::channel::internal::ForwardingChannel< DataType::kDatagram > | |
►Cpw::i2c::Initiator | The common, base driver interface for initiating thread-safe transactions with devices on an I2C bus. Other documentation may call this style of interface an I2C "master", "central", or "controller" |
Cpw::i2c::GmockInitiator | |
Cpw::i2c::LinuxInitiator | |
Cpw::i2c::MockInitiator | |
Cpw::i2c::MockMessageInitiator | |
Cpw::InlineBasicString< T, kCapacity > | pw::InlineBasicString is a fixed-capacity version of std::basic_string . In brief: |
Cpw::InlineBasicString< T, string_impl::kGeneric > | |
Cpw::inline_circular_buffer_impl::InlineDequeIterator< ValueType, SizeType, kIsConst > | |
Cpw::async2::internal::InOut< T > | |
Cpw::sync::InterruptSpinLock | |
Cpw::IntrusiveForwardList< T > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveForwardList< MemoryAvailableDelegate > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveForwardList< pw::allocator::SortedItem > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveForwardList< pw::allocator::UnorderedItem > | |
Cpw::containers::future::IntrusiveList< T > | |
Cpw::containers::future::IntrusiveList< backend::NativeTask > | |
Cpw::containers::future::IntrusiveList< pw::allocator::SequencedItem > | |
Cpw::containers::future::IntrusiveList< pw::allocator::test::TestHarness::Allocation > | |
Cpw::containers::future::IntrusiveList< pw::async2::TimeFuture< Clock > > | |
Cpw::containers::future::IntrusiveList< pw::multibuf::internal::LinkedRegionTracker > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMap< Key, T > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiMap< Key, T > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiMap< size_t, pw::allocator::FastSortedItem< BestFitBlock< uintptr_t > > > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiMap< size_t, pw::allocator::FastSortedItem< BlockType > > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiMap< size_t, pw::allocator::FastSortedItem< WorstFitBlock< uintptr_t > > > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveMultiSet< T > | |
Cpw::IntrusiveSet< T > | |
Cpw::rpc::internal::test::InvocationContext< typename, typename, uint32_t > | |
►Cstd::is_base_of | |
Cpw::allocator::has_layout< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::is_alignable< BlockType > | Trait type that allows interrogating a block as to whether it is alignable |
Cpw::allocator::is_allocatable< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::is_block< T > | |
Cpw::allocator::is_contiguous< BlockType > | Trait type that allow interrogating a block as to whether it is contiguous |
Cpw::allocator::is_iterable< BlockType > | |
Cpw::allocator::is_poisonable< BlockType > | Trait type that allow interrogating a block as to whether it is poisonable |
►CIntrusiveMultiMap::Item | |
Cpw::allocator::FastSortedItem< BlockType > | |
►CIntrusiveMultiMap::Item | |
Cpw::allocator::GenericFastSortedItem | |
Cpw::kvs::KeyValueStore::Item | Representation of a key-value entry during iteration |
►CItemBase | |
►Cpw::IntrusiveForwardList< T >::Item | |
Cpw::allocator::SortedItem | |
Cpw::allocator::UnorderedItem | |
Cpw::async2::TimeFuture< Clock > | |
Cpw::digital_io::McuxpressoDigitalInOutInterrupt | |
►Cpw::containers::future::IntrusiveList< T >::Item | |
Cpw::allocator::SequencedItem | |
Cpw::allocator::test::TestHarness::Allocation | Associates a pointer to memory with the Layout used to allocate it |
Cpw::multibuf::internal::LinkedRegionTracker | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::IterableBase | |
►Cpw::allocator::IterableBlock< DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > | |
Cpw::allocator::IterableBlock< Derived > | |
Cpw::allocator::IterableBlock< Derived >::Iterator | |
Cpw::BasicInlineVarLenEntryQueue< T, kMaxSizeBytes >::Entry::iterator | |
Cpw::BasicInlineVarLenEntryQueue< T, kMaxSizeBytes >::iterator | |
Cpw::ByteBuilder::iterator | |
Cpw::containers::FilteredView< Container, Filter >::iterator | |
Cpw::kvs::KeyValueStore::iterator | Supported iteration methods |
Cpw::multibuf::MultiBuf::iterator | An std::forward_iterator over the bytes of a MultiBuf |
Cpw::multibuf::MultiBufChunks::iterator | A std::forward_iterator over the Chunk s of a MultiBuf |
Cpw::tokenizer::TokenDatabase::iterator | Iterator for TokenDatabase values |
Cpw::async2::Join< Pendables > | |
►Cpw::JsonArray | |
►Cpw::JsonBuilder | |
Cpw::JsonBuffer< kMaxSize > | |
►Cpw::JsonObject | |
Cpw::JsonBuilder | |
►Cpw::JsonValue | |
Cpw::JsonBuilder | |
►Cpw::kvs::KeyValueStore | |
Cpw::kvs::KeyValueStoreBuffer< kMaxEntries, kMaxUsableSectors, kRedundancy, kEntryFormats > | |
Cpw::allocator::Layout | |
Cpw::bluetooth_sapphire::Lease | |
►Cpw::bluetooth_sapphire::LeaseProvider | |
Cpw::bluetooth_sapphire::NullLeaseProvider | A no-op LeaseProvider that always successfully returns an fake lease |
Cpw::bluetooth_sapphire::testing::FakeLeaseProvider | A fake LeaseProvider used for dependency injection in unit tests |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Peripheral2::LegacyAdvertising | |
Cpw::containers::internal::LegacyIntrusiveList< typename > | |
Cpw::analog::AnalogInput::Limits | |
Cpw::LinkerSymbol< T > | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::ChannelListenerRegistry::ListenParameters | The parameters to use for incoming channels |
Cpw::json_impl::LiteralChars | |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::LocalService2 | |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::LocalServiceDelegate2 | |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::Server2::LocalServiceInfo | Parameters for registering a local GATT service |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::RemoteService2::LongReadOptions | |
Cpw::channel::LoopbackChannel< kType > | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::ManagedPtr | |
Cpw::SharedPtr< T > | |
Cpw::UniquePtr< T > | |
Cpw::digital_io::McuxpressoPintController | |
►Cpw::pmr::memory_resource | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::MemoryResource | |
Cpw::i2c::Message | |
Cpw::chre::MessageToAp | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::Metrics< MetricsType > | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::Metrics< internal::AllMetrics > | |
Cpw::i2c::MockMessage | |
Cpw::i2c::MockMessageTransaction | |
►Cpw::multibuf::MultiBufAllocator | |
►Cpw::multibuf::SimpleAllocator | A simple first-fit MultiBufAllocator |
Cpw::multibuf::test::SimpleAllocatorForTest< kDataSizeBytes, kMetaSizeBytes > | Simple, self-contained pw::multibuf::MultiBufAllocator for test use |
Cpw::multibuf::MultiBufAllocatorAsync | |
►Cpw::multibuf::MultiBufChunks | A Chunk -oriented view of a MultiBuf |
Cpw::multibuf::MultiBuf | |
►Cpw::sync::Mutex | |
Cpw::sync::TimedMutex | |
Cpw::chre::NanoappMessage | |
►Cpw::async2::NativeDispatcherBase | |
Cpw::async2::backend::NativeDispatcher | |
Cpw::NestedJsonArray | |
Cpw::NestedJsonObject | |
Cpw::NoDestructor< T > | |
►Cpw::allocator::NoMetrics | |
Cpw::allocator::internal::AllMetrics | |
Cpw::allocator::NoSync | |
Cpw::async2::OnceReceiver< T > | |
Cpw::async2::OnceRefReceiver< T > | |
Cpw::async2::OnceRefSender< T > | |
Cpw::async2::OnceSender< T > | |
Cpw::async2::internal::OptionalWrapper< T > | |
Cpw::kvs::Options | |
Cpw::thread::Options | |
Cpw::multibuf::OwnedChunk | |
Cpw::async2::internal::OwningCoroutineHandle< PromiseType > | |
Cpw::async2::internal::OwningCoroutineHandle< pw::async2::internal::CoroPromiseType > | |
Cpw::PackedPtr< T > | |
Cpw::async2::PendFuncAwaitable< T, Func > | |
Cpw::async2::PendingType | |
►Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Peripheral2 | Represents the LE Peripheral role, which advertises and is connected to |
Cpw::bluetooth_sapphire::Peripheral | Must only be constructed and destroyed on the Bluetooth thread |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::PoisonableBase | |
►Cpw::allocator::PoisonableBlock< DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > > | |
Cpw::allocator::DetailedBlockImpl< Parameters > | |
Cpw::allocator::PoisonableBlock< Derived > | |
Cpw::async2::Poll< T > | |
Cpw::async2::Poll< OutputType > | |
►Cpw::pmr::polymorphic_allocator | |
Cpw::allocator::PmrAllocator | |
Cpw::bluetooth_sapphire::PowerDelegate | Interface for Sapphire to interact with the system's power management |
Cpw::unit_test::ProgramSummary | |
Cpw::bluetooth::proxy::ProxyHost | |
Cpw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration | |
Cpw_chrono_SystemClock_TimePoint | |
Cpw_InlineVarLenEntryQueue_Entry | |
Cpw_InlineVarLenEntryQueue_Iterator | |
►Cpw::random::RandomGenerator | |
Cpw::random::XorShiftStarRng64 | |
Cpw::allocator::IterableBlock< Derived >::Range | |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::RemoteService2::ReadByTypeResult | A result returned by ReadByType |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::RemoteService2::ReadValue | Wrapper around a possible truncated value received from the server |
►CReadWriteHandler | |
Cpw::transfer::AtomicFileTransferHandler | |
Cpw::async2::ReadyType | |
Cpw::allocator::test::ReallocationRequest | Represents a request to reallocate allocated memory with a new size |
Cpw::analog::MicrovoltInput::References | |
Cpw::unit_test::internal::ReferToTestInfo | |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::RemoteService2 | An interface for interacting with a GATT service on a peer device |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::Client2::RemoteServiceInfo | Represents a remote GATT service |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Connection2::RequestedConnectionParameters | |
Cpw::unit_test::internal::ReturnHelper | |
Cpw::hdlc::Router | |
Cpw::async2::NativeDispatcherBase::RunOneTaskResult | |
Cpw::unit_test::RunTestsSummary | |
Cpw::RuntimeInitGlobal< T > | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Central2::ScanFilter | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Central2::ScanHandle | Represents an ongoing LE scan |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Central2::ScanOptions | Parameters used during a scan |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::Central2::ScanResult | |
Cpw::ScopeGuard< Functor > | |
Cpw::bluetooth::low_energy::SecurityRequirements | The authentication an encryption requirements for a channel |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::Server2 | Interface for a GATT server that serves many GATT services |
►Cpw_rpc::pwpb::I2c::Service | |
Cpw::i2c::I2cService | RPC service for performing I2C transactions |
Cpw::crypto::sha256::Sha256 | |
Cpw::async2::NativeDispatcherBase::SleepInfo | |
►CSmallBlockBase | |
Cpw::allocator::SmallAlignableBlock | An alignable version of SmallBlock |
Cpw::allocator::SmallBlock | |
Cpw::allocator::TinyBlock | |
Cpw::Status | |
Cpw::StatusWithSize | |
Cpw::kvs::KeyValueStore::StorageStats | |
►Cpw::stream::Stream | |
►Cpw::stream::Reader | |
Cpw::stream::NonSeekableReader | |
►Cpw::stream::RelativeSeekableReader | |
Cpw::stream::SeekableReader | |
►Cpw::stream::ReaderWriter | |
►Cpw::stream::NonSeekableReaderWriter | |
Cpw::stream::UartStreamLinux | pw::stream::NonSeekableReaderWriter implementation for UARTs on Linux |
Cpw::uart::UartStream | |
►Cpw::stream::RelativeSeekableReaderWriter | |
►Cpw::stream::SeekableReaderWriter | |
Cpw::multibuf::Stream | |
►Cpw::stream::Writer | |
Cpw::stream::NonSeekableWriter | |
►Cpw::stream::RelativeSeekableWriter | |
Cpw::stream::SeekableWriter | |
Cpw::channel::internal::StreamChannelReadState | State for the stream-reading thread |
Cpw::channel::internal::StreamChannelWriteState | State for the stream-writing thread |
Cpw::protobuf::StreamFinder< T, kReadFn > | |
►Cpw::protobuf::StreamFinder< uint32_t, &StreamDecoder::ReadUint32 > | |
Cpw::protobuf::EnumStreamFinder< T > | |
►Cpw::StringBuilder | |
Cpw::StringBuffer< kSizeBytes > | |
Cpw::chrono::SystemClock | |
Cpw::chrono::SystemTimer | |
►CT | |
Cpw::NaturallyAligned< T > | |
►Cpw::async2::Task | |
Cpw::async2::CoroOrElseTask | |
Cpw::async2::PendFuncTask< Func > | |
Cpw::async2::PendableAsTask< Pendable > | |
Cpw::async2::internal::AllocatedTask< Pendable > | |
Cpw::async2::internal::PendableAsTaskWithOutput< Pendable > | |
Cpw::async2::internal::RunHeapFuncTask< Func > | |
Cpw::async::Task | |
►Cpw::unit_test::internal::Test | |
Cpw::async::test::FakeDispatcherFixture | |
Cpw::perf_test::TestCase | Describes the performance test being run |
Cpw::unit_test::TestCase | |
Cpw::unit_test::TestExpectation | |
Cpw::allocator::test::TestHarness | |
Cpw::unit_test::internal::TestInfo | |
Cpw::perf_test::TestIteration | Data reported on completion of an iteration |
Cpw::perf_test::TestMeasurement | Data reported for each Measurement upon completion of a performance test |
Cpw::perf_test::TestRunInfo | |
Cpw::unit_test::TestSuite | |
Cpw::thread::test::TestThreadContext | |
Cpw::thread::Thread | |
Cpw::ThreadAttrs | |
Cpw::ThreadContext< kStackSizeBytes > | |
Cpw::ThreadContext< kAttributes.has_external_stack() ? kExternallyAllocatedThreadStack :kAttributes.stack_size_bytes()> | |
Cpw::ThreadContext< kExternallyAllocatedThreadStack > | |
Cpw::ThreadContextFor< kAttributes > | |
►Cthread::ThreadCore | |
Cpw::async::BasicDispatcher | BasicDispatcher is a generic implementation of Dispatcher |
►Cpw::work_queue::WorkQueue | |
Cpw::work_queue::WorkQueueWithBuffer< kWorkQueueEntries > | |
►Cpw::sync::ThreadNotification | |
Cpw::sync::TimedThreadNotification | |
Cpw::ThreadStack< kStackSizeBytes > | |
Cpw::allocator::TlsfDefaults | |
Cpw::allocator::TlsfIndices | Pair used to index a bucket in a two dimensional array |
Cpw::tokenizer::TokenDatabase | |
Cpw::i2c::Transaction | |
►Cpw::uart::UartBase | |
►Cpw::uart::Uart | |
Cpw::uart::UartBlockingAdapter | |
Cpw::uart::UartNonBlocking | |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::LocalService2::ValueChangedParameters | |
►Cpw::Vector< T, vector_impl::kGeneric > | |
Cpw::VectorStorage< T, kMaxSize, false > | |
Cpw::VectorStorage< T, kMaxSize, true > | |
►Cpw::VectorStorage< T, kMaxSize, kIsTriviallyDestructible > | |
Cpw::Vector< ChannelData, kSomeNumberOfChannels > | |
Cpw::Vector< SectorDescriptor, kMaxUsableSectors > | |
Cpw::Vector< KeyDescriptor, kMaxEntries > | |
Cpw::Vector< T, kMaxSize > | |
Cpw::VectorStorage< ChannelData, kMaxSize, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< ChannelData > > | |
Cpw::VectorStorage< KeyDescriptor, kMaxSize, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< KeyDescriptor > > | |
Cpw::VectorStorage< SectorDescriptor, kMaxSize, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< SectorDescriptor > > | |
Cpw::VectorStorage< T, vector_impl::kGeneric, std::is_trivially_destructible_v< T > > | |
►Cpw::sync::VirtualBasicLockable | |
Cpw::sync::GenericBasicLockable< InterruptSpinLock > | |
Cpw::sync::GenericBasicLockable< Mutex > | |
Cpw::sync::GenericBasicLockable< TimedMutex > | |
►Cpw::sync::GenericBasicLockable< LockType > | |
►Cpw::sync::GenericLockable< InterruptSpinLock > | |
Cpw::sync::VirtualInterruptSpinLock | |
►Cpw::sync::GenericLockable< Mutex > | |
Cpw::sync::VirtualMutex | |
►Cpw::sync::GenericLockable< TimedMutex > | |
Cpw::sync::VirtualTimedMutex | |
Cpw::sync::GenericLockable< LockType > | |
Cpw::sync::NoOpLock | |
►Cpw::chrono::VirtualClock< Clock > | |
►Cpw::async2::TimeProvider< Clock > | |
Cpw::async2::SimulatedTimeProvider< Clock > | A simulated TimeProvider suitable for testing APIs which use Timer |
►Cpw::chrono::VirtualClock< SystemClock > | |
►Cpw::async::Dispatcher | |
Cpw::async::BasicDispatcher | BasicDispatcher is a generic implementation of Dispatcher |
►Cpw::async::FunctionDispatcher | |
Cpw::async::HeapDispatcher | |
Cpw::chrono::SimulatedSystemClock | |
Cpw::async2::Waker | |
►Cpw::allocator::internal::WeakManagedPtr | |
Cpw::WeakPtr< T > | |
Cpw::allocator::WithBuffer< T, kBufferSize, kAlignment > | |
Cpw::allocator::WithBuffer< pw::allocator::FirstFitAllocator, kBufferSize > | |
Cpw::bluetooth::gatt::RemoteService2::WriteOptions | |