
The $dir_pw_third_party/googletest/ module provides various helpers to optionally use full upstream GoogleTest/GoogleMock with pw_unit_test.

Using upstream GoogleTest and GoogleMock#

If you want to use the full upstream GoogleTest/GoogleMock, you must do the following:

Add GoogleTest to your workspace with the following command.

$ git submodule add third_party/googletest

Configure pw_unit_test to use upstream GoogleTest/GoogleMock.

  • Set one of the following GN variables:

    • Set pw_third_party_googletest_ALIAS to point to a GN target label that provides a static library or source set combining GoogleTest/GoogleMock.

      This is required on platforms such as Fuchsia where extra dependencies are required for the library to compile and run properly.

    • Or set dir_pw_third_party_googletest to point to the location of the googletest submodule instead. This will trigger the generation of a pw_source_set() target wrapping the GoogleTest sources.

  • Set the GN var pw_unit_test_MAIN to dir_pigweed + "/third_party/googletest:gmock_main".

  • Set the GN var pw_unit_test_BACKEND to "//pw_unit_test:googletest".

Pigweed unit tests that do not work with upstream GoogleTest can be disabled by setting enable_if to pw_unit_test_BACKEND == "$dir_pw_unit_test:light".

  • Set the dir_pw_third_party_googletest to the location of the GoogleTest source.

  • Set the var pw_unit_test_MAIN to pw_third_party.googletest.gmock_main.

  • Set the var pw_unit_test_BACKEND to pw_unit_test.googletest.

Set the following label flags, either in your target config or on the command line:

  • //pw_unit_test:backend to @pigweed//pw_unit_test:googletest.

  • //pw_unit_test:main to @com_google_googletest//:gtest_main.

For example:

$ bazel test //... \
> --@pigweed//pw_unit_test:backend=@pigweed//pw_unit_test:googletest \
> --@pigweed//pw_unit_test:main=@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main


Not all unit tests build properly with upstream GoogleTest yet. This is a work in progress.