Code review guidelines#

All Pigweed development happens on Gerrit, following the typical Gerrit development workflow. Consult the Gerrit User Guide for more information on using Gerrit.

You may add the special address as a reviewer to have Gerrit automatically choose an appropriate person to review your change.

For authors#

Small changes#

Please follow the guidance in Google’s Eng-Practices Small CLs.

Complete changes#

Please follow the guidance in Contribution Standards. In summary, CLs must be complete, tested, and include documentation and unit tests for new code, bug fixes, and any code changes that merit it. However, to enable iterative work and small changes, TODO comments are acceptable. They must include an explanation of the problem and an action to take.

We will not take over incomplete changes to avoid shifting our focus. We may reject changes that do not meet the criteria above.

For reviewers#

Review speed#

Follow the advice at Speed of Code Reviews. Most importantly,

  • If you are not in the middle of a focused task, you should do a code review shortly after it comes in.

  • One business day is the maximum time it should take to respond to a code review request (i.e., first thing the next morning).

  • If you will not be able to review the change within a business day, comment on the change stating so, and reassign to another reviewer if possible.

Attention set management#

Remove yourself from the attention set for changes where another person (author or reviewer) must take action before you can continue to review. You are encouraged, but not required, to leave a comment when doing so, especially for changes by external contributors who may not be familiar with our process.

Common advice playbook#

What follows are bite-sized copy-paste-able advice when doing code reviews. Feel free to link to them from code review comments, too.

Shared platforms require careful design#

Pigweed is a platform shared by many embedded projects. This makes contributing to Pigweed rewarding: your change will help teams around the world! But it also makes contributing hard:

  • Edge cases that may not matter for one project can, and eventually will, come up in another one.

  • Pigweed has many modules that can be used in isolation, but should also work together, exhibiting a unified design philosophy and guiding users towards safe, scalable patterns.

As a result, Pigweed can’t be as nimble as individual embedded projects, and often needs to engage in more careful design review, either in meetings with the core team or through 0001: The SEED Process. But we’re committed to working through this with you!

Stale changes#

Sometimes, a change doesn’t make it out of the review process: after some rounds of review, there are unresolved comments from the Pigweed team, but the author is no longer actively working on the change.

For any change that’s not seen activity for 3 months, the Pigweed team will,

  1. File a bug for the feature or bug that the change was addressing, referencing the change.

  2. Mark the change Abandoned in Gerrit.

This does not mean the change is rejected! It just indicates no further action on it is expected. As its author, you should feel free to reopen it when you have time to work on it again.

Before making or sending major changes or SEEDs, please reach out in our chat room or on the mailing list first to ensure the changes make sense for upstream. We generally go through a design phase before making large changes. See 0001: The SEED Process for a description of this process; but please discuss with us before writing a full SEED. Let us know of any priorities, timelines, requirements, and limitations ahead of time.

Gerrit for PRs#

We don’t currently support GitHub pull requests. All Pigweed development takes place on our Gerrit instance. Please resubmit your change there!

See Contributing for instructions, and consult the Gerrit User Guide for more information on using Gerrit.

Docs-Only Changes Do Not Need To Be Complete#

Documentation-only changes should generally be accepted if they make the docs better or more complete, even if the documentation change itself is incomplete.