0104: Display Support#
Status: Open for Comments Intent Approved Last Call Accepted Rejected
Proposal Date: 2023-06-12
CL: pwrev/150793
Author: Chris Mumford
Facilitator: Anthony DiGirolamo
Add support for graphics displays. This includes display drivers for a few popular display controllers, framebuffer management, and a framework to simplify adding a graphics display to a Pigweed application.
Pigweed currently has no specific support for a display device. Projects that require a display currently must do the full implementation, including the display driver in most instances, to add display support.
This proposes the addition of a basic framework for display devices, as well as implementations for a few common Pigweed test devices - specifically the STM32F429I. This enables developers to quickly and easily add display support for supported devices and an implementation to model when adding new device support.
This proposes no changes to existing modules, but suggests several new libraries
all within a single new module titled pw_display
that together define a
framework for rendering to displays.
New Libraries#
Library |
Function |
pw_display/display |
Manage draw thread, framebuffers, and driver |
pw_display/driver |
Display driver interface definition |
pw_display/pixel_pusher |
Transport of pixel data to display controller |
pw_display/drivers/ili9341 |
Display driver for the ILI9341 display controller |
pw_display/drivers/imgui |
Host display driver using Dear ImGui |
pw_display/drivers/mipi |
Display driver for MIPI DSI controllers |
pw_display/drivers/null |
Null display driver for headless devices |
pw_display/drivers/st7735 |
Display driver for the ST7735 display controller |
pw_display/drivers/st7789 |
Display driver for the ST7789 display controller |
pw_display/draw |
Very basic drawing library for test and bring-up purposes |
pw_display/framebuffer |
Manage access to pixel buffer. |
pw_display/framebuffer_mcuxpresso |
Specialization of the framebuffer for the MCUxpresso devices |
pw_display/geometry |
Basic shared math types such as 2D vectors, etc. |
contains two helper structures for common values usually
used as a pair.
namespace pw::display {
template <typename T>
struct Size {
T width;
T height;
template <typename T>
struct Vector2 {
T x;
T y;
} // namespace pw::display
A framebuffer is a small class that provides access to a pixel buffer. It keeps a copy of the pixel buffer metadata and provides accessor methods for those values.
namespace pw::display {
enum class PixelFormat {
class Framebuffer {
// Construct a default invalid framebuffer.
Framebuffer(void* data,
PixelFormat pixel_format,
pw::math::Size<uint16_t> size,
uint16_t row_bytes);
Framebuffer(const Framebuffer&) = delete;
Framebuffer(Framebuffer&& other);
Framebuffer& operator=(const Framebuffer&) = delete;
Framebuffer& operator=(Framebuffer&&);
bool is_valid() const;
pw::ConstByteSpan data() const;
pw::ByteSpan data();
PixelFormat pixel_format() const;
pw::math::Size<uint16_t> size();
uint16_t row_bytes() const;
} // namespace pw::display
FrameBuffer is a moveable class that is intended to signify read/write privileges to the underlying pixel data. This makes it easier to track when the pixel data may be read from, or written to, without conflict.
The framebuffer does not own the underlying pixel buffer. In other words the deletion of a framebuffer will not free the underlying pixel data.
Framebuffers do not have methods for reading or writing to the underlying pixel
buffer. This is the responsibility of the the selected graphics library which
can be given the pixel buffer pointer retrieved by calling data()
constexpr size_t kWidth = 64;
constexpr size_t kHeight = 32;
uint16_t pixel_data[kWidth * kHeight];
void DrawScreen(Framebuffer* fb) {
// Clear framebuffer to black.
std::memset(fb->data(), 0, fb->height() * fb->row_bytes());
// Set first pixel to white.
uint16_t* pixel_data = static_cast<uint16_t*>(fb->data());
pixel_data[0] = 0xffff;
Framebuffer fb(pixel_data, {kWidth, kHeight},
kWidth * sizeof(uint16_t));
The FramebufferPool is intended to simplify the use of multiple framebuffers
when multi-buffered rendering is being used. It is a collection of framebuffers
which can be retrieved, used, and then returned to the pool for reuse. All
framebuffers in the pool share identical attributes. A framebuffer that is
returned to a caller of GetFramebuffer()
can be thought of as “on loan” to
that caller and will not be given to any other caller of GetFramebuffer()
until it has been returned by calling ReleaseFramebuffer()
namespace pw::display {
class FramebufferPool {
using BufferArray = std::array<void*, FRAMEBUFFER_COUNT>;
// Constructor parameters.
struct Config {
BufferArray fb_addr; // Address of each buffer in this pool.
pw::math::Size<uint16_t> dimensions; // width/height of each buffer.
uint16_t row_bytes; // row bytes of each buffer.
pw::framebuffer::PixelFormat pixel_format;
FramebufferPool(const Config& config);
virtual ~FramebufferPool();
uint16_t row_bytes() const;
pw::math::Size<uint16_t> dimensions() const;
pw::framebuffer::PixelFormat pixel_format() const;
// Return a framebuffer to the caller for use. This call WILL BLOCK until a
// framebuffer is returned for use. Framebuffers *must* be returned to this
// pool by a corresponding call to ReleaseFramebuffer. This function will only
// return a valid framebuffer.
// This call is thread-safe, but not interrupt safe.
virtual pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer GetFramebuffer();
// Return the framebuffer to the pool available for use by the next call to
// GetFramebuffer.
// This may be called on another thread or during an interrupt.
virtual Status ReleaseFramebuffer(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer framebuffer);
} // namespace pw::display
An example use of the framebuffer pool is:
// Retrieve a framebuffer for drawing. May block if pool has no framebuffers
// to issue.
FrameBuffer fb = framebuffer_pool.GetFramebuffer();
// Draw to the framebuffer.
// Return the framebuffer to the pool for reuse.
A DisplayDriver is usually the sole class responsible for communicating with the display controller. Its primary responsibilities are the display controller initialization, and the writing of pixel data when a display update is needed.
This proposal supports multiple heterogenous display controllers. This could be:
A single display of any given type (e.g. ILI9341).
Two ILI9341 displays.
Two ILI9341 displays and a second one of a different type.
Because of this approach the DisplayDriver is defined as an interface:
namespace pw::display {
class DisplayDriver {
// Called on the completion of a write operation.
using WriteCallback = Callback<void(framebuffer::Framebuffer, Status)>;
virtual ~DisplayDriver() = default;
virtual Status Init() = 0;
virtual void WriteFramebuffer(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer framebuffer,
WriteCallback write_callback) = 0;
virtual pw::math::Size<uint16_t> size() const = 0;
} // namespace pw::display
Each driver then provides a concrete implementation of the driver. Below is the definition of the display driver for the ILI9341:
namespace pw::display {
class DisplayDriverILI9341 : public DisplayDriver {
struct Config {
// Device specific initialization parameters.
DisplayDriverILI9341(const Config& config);
// DisplayDriver implementation:
Status Init() override;
void WriteFramebuffer(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer framebuffer,
WriteCallback write_callback) override;
Status WriteRow(span<uint16_t> row_pixels,
uint16_t row_idx,
uint16_t col_idx) override;
pw::math::Size<uint16_t> size() const override;
enum class Mode {
// A command and optional data to write to the ILI9341.
struct Command {
uint8_t command;
ConstByteSpan command_data;
// Toggle the reset GPIO line to reset the display controller.
Status Reset();
// Set the command/data mode of the display controller.
void SetMode(Mode mode);
// Write the command to the display controller.
Status WriteCommand(pw::spi::Device::Transaction& transaction,
const Command& command);
} // namespace pw::display
Here is an example retrieving a framebuffer from the framebuffer pool, drawing into the framebuffer, using the display driver to write the pixel data, and then returning the framebuffer back to the pool for use.
FrameBuffer fb = framebuffer_pool.GetFramebuffer();
// DrawScreen is a function that will draw to the framebuffer's underlying
// pixel buffer using a drawing library. See example above.
[&framebuffer_pool](pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer fb, Status status) {
// Return the framebuffer back to the pool for reuse once the display
// write is complete.
In the example above that the framebuffer (fb
) is moved when calling
passing ownership to the display driver. From this point
forward the application code may not access the framebuffer in any way. When the
framebuffer write is complete the framebuffer is then moved to the callback
which in turn moves it when calling ReleaseFramebuffer()
always does a write of the full framebuffer - sending all
pixel data.
may be a blocking call, but on some platforms the driver
may use a background write and the write callback is called when the write
is complete. The write callback may be called during an interrupt.
Pixel data for Simple SPI based display controllers can be written to the
display controller using pw_spi
. There are some controllers which use
other interfaces (RGB, MIPI, etc.). Also, some vendors provide an API for
interacting with these display controllers for writing pixel data.
To allow the drivers to be hardware/vendor independent the PixelPusher
may be used. This defines an interface whose sole responsibility is to write
a framebuffer to the display controller. Specializations of this will use
or vendor proprietary calls to write pixel data.
namespace pw::display {
class PixelPusher {
using WriteCallback = Callback<void(framebuffer::Framebuffer, Status)>;
virtual ~PixelPusher() = default;
virtual Status Init(
const pw::framebuffer_pool::FramebufferPool& framebuffer_pool) = 0;
virtual void WriteFramebuffer(framebuffer::Framebuffer framebuffer,
WriteCallback complete_callback) = 0;
} // namespace pw::display
Each display has:
One and only one display driver.
A reference to a single framebuffer pool. This framebuffer pool may be shared with other displays.
A drawing thread, if so configured, for asynchronous display updates.
namespace pw::display {
class Display {
// Called on the completion of an update.
using WriteCallback = Callback<void(Status)>;
Display(pw::display_driver::DisplayDriver& display_driver,
pw::math::Size<uint16_t> size,
pw::framebuffer_pool::FramebufferPool& framebuffer_pool);
virtual ~Display();
pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer GetFramebuffer();
void ReleaseFramebuffer(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer framebuffer,
WriteCallback callback);
pw::math::Size<uint16_t> size() const;
} // namespace pw::display
Once applications are initialized they typically will not directly interact with display drivers or framebuffer pools. These will be utilized by the display which will provide a simpler interface.
must always be called on the same thread and is not
interrupt safe. It will block if there is no available framebuffer in the
framebuffer pool waiting for a framebuffer to be returned.
must be called for each framebuffer returned by
. This will initiate the display update using the
displays associated driver. The callback
will be called when this update is
A simplified application rendering loop would resemble:
// Get a framebuffer for drawing.
FrameBuffer fb = display.GetFramebuffer();
// DrawScreen is a function that will draw to |fb|'s pixel buffer using a
// drawing library. See example above.
// Return the framebuffer to the display which will be written to the display
// controller by the display's display driver.
display.ReleaseFramebuffer(std::move(fb), [](Status){});
Drawing Library#
was created for testing and verification purposes only. It is
not intended to be feature rich or performant in any way. This is small
collection of basic drawing primitives not intended to be used by shipping
namespace pw::display {
void DrawLine(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& fb,
int x1,
int y1,
int x2,
int y2,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t pen_color);
// Draw a circle at center_x, center_y with given radius and color. Only a
// one-pixel outline is drawn if filled is false.
void DrawCircle(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& fb,
int center_x,
int center_y,
int radius,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t pen_color,
bool filled);
void DrawHLine(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& fb,
int x1,
int x2,
int y,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t pen_color);
void DrawRect(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& fb,
int x1,
int y1,
int x2,
int y2,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t pen_color,
bool filled);
void DrawRectWH(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& fb,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t pen_color,
bool filled);
void Fill(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& fb,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t pen_color);
void DrawSprite(pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& fb,
int x,
int y,
pw::draw::SpriteSheet* sprite_sheet,
int integer_scale);
void DrawTestPattern();
pw::math::Size<int> DrawCharacter(int ch,
pw::math::Vector2<int> pos,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t fg_color,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t bg_color,
const FontSet& font,
pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& framebuffer);
pw::math::Size<int> DrawString(std::wstring_view str,
pw::math::Vector2<int> pos,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t fg_color,
pw::color::color_rgb565_t bg_color,
const FontSet& font,
pw::framebuffer::Framebuffer& framebuffer);
} // namespace pw::display
Class Interaction Diagram#
Problem investigation#
With no direct display support in Pigweed and no example programs implementing a solution Pigweed developers are essentially on their own. Depending on their hardware this means starting with a GitHub project with a sample application from MCUXpresso or STMCube. Each of these use a specific HAL and may be coupled to other frameworks, such as FreeRTOS. This places the burden of substituting the HAL calls with the Pigweed API, making the sample program with the application screen choice, etc.
This chore is time consuming and often requires that the application developer acquire some level of driver expertise. Having direct display support in Pigweed will allow the developer to more quickly add display support.
The primary use-case being targeted is an application with a single display using multiple framebuffers with display update notifications delivered during an interrupt. The initial implementation is designed to support multiple heterogenous displays, but that will not be the focus of development or testing for the first release.
Touch sensors, or other input devices, are not part of this effort. Display and touch input often accompany each other, but to simplify this already large display effort, touch will be added in a separate activity.
There are many other embedded libraries for embedded drawing. Popular libraries are LVGL, emWin, GUIslice, HAGL, µGFX, and VGLite (to just name a few). These existing solutions generally offer one or more of: display drivers, drawing library, widget library. The display drivers usually rely on an abstraction layer, which they often refer to as a HAL, to interface with the underlying hardware API. This HAL may rely on macros, or sometimes a structure with function pointers for specific operations.
The approach in this SEED was selected because it offers a low level API focused on display update performance. It offers no drawing or GUI library, but should be easily interfaced with those libraries.
Detailed design#
This proposal suggests no changes to existing APIs. All changes introduce new modules that leverage the existing API. It supports static allocation of the pixel buffers and all display framework objects. Additionally pixel buffers may be hard-coded addresses or dynamically allocated from SRAM.
The Framebuffer
class is intended to simplify code that interacts with the
pixel buffer. It includes the pixel buffer format, dimensions, and the buffer
address. The framebuffer is 16 bytes in size (14 when packed). Framebuffer
objects are created when requested and moved as a means of signifying ownership.
In other words, whenever code has an actual framebuffer object it is allowed
to both write to and read from the pixel buffer.
The FramebufferPool
is an object intended to simplify the management of a
collection of framebuffers. It tracks those that are available for use and
loans out framebuffers when requested. For single display devices this is
generally not a difficult task as the application would maintain an array of
framebuffers and a next available index. In this case framebuffers are always
used in order and the buffer collection is implemented as a queue.
Because RAM is often limited, the framebuffer pool is designed to be shared
between multiple displays. Because display rendering and update may be at
different speeds framebuffers do not need to be retrieved
(via GetFramebuffer()
) and returned (via ReleaseFramebuffer()
) in the same
Whenever possible asynchronous display updates will be used. Depending on the
implementation this usually offloads the CPU from the pixel writing to the
display controller. In this case the CPU will initiate the update and using
some type of notification, usually an interrupt raised by a GPIO pin connected
to the display, will be notified of the completion of the display update.
Because of this the framebuffer pool ReleaseFramebuffer()
call is interrupt
will block indefinitely if no framebuffer
is available. This unburdens the application drawing loop from the task of
managing framebuffers or tracking screen update completion.
All classes will be accompanied by a robust set of unit tests. These can be run on the host or the device. Test applications will be able to run on a workstation (i.e. not an MCU) in order to enable tests that depend on hardware available in most CPUs - like an MMU. This will enable the use of AddressSanitizer based tests. Desktop tests will use Xvfb to allow them to be run in a headless continuous integration environment.
Display support will include performance tests. Although this proposal does not include a rendering library, it will include support for specific platforms that will utilize means of transferring pixel data to the display controller in the background.
One alternative is to create the necessary port/HAL, the terminology varies by library, for the popular embedded graphics libraries. This would make it easier for Pigweed applications to add display support - bot only for those supported libraries. This effort is intended to be more focused on performance, which is not always the focus of other libraries.
Another alternative is to do nothing - leaving the job of adding display support to the developers. As a significant percentage of embedded projects contain a display, it will beneficial to have built-in display support in Pigweed. This will allow all user to benefit by the shared display expertise, continuous integration, testing, and performance testing.
Open questions#
Parameter Configuration#
One open question is what parameters to specify in initialization parameters
to a driver Init()
function, which to set in build flags via config(...)
in GN, and which to hard-code into the driver. The most ideal, from the
perspective of reducing binary size, is to hard-code all values in a single
block of contiguous data. The decision to support multiple displays requires
that the display initialization parameters, at least some of them, be defined
at runtime and cannot be hard-coded into the driver code - that is, if the
goal is to allow two of the same display to be in use with different settings.
Additionally many drivers support dozens of configuration values. The ILI9341 has 82 different commands, some with complex values like gamma tables or multiple values packed into a single register.
The current approach is to strike a balance where the most commonly set values, for example display width/height and pixel format, are configurable via build flags, and the remainder is hard-coded in the driver. If a developer wants to set a parameter that is currently hard-coded in the driver, for example display refresh rate or gamma table, they would need to copy the display driver from Pigweed, or create a Pigweed branch.
always writes the full framebuffer. It is expected
that partial updates will be supported. This will likely come as a separate
function. This is being pushed off until needed to provide as much experience
with the various display controller APIs as possible to increase the likelihood
of a well crafted API.
Module Hierarchy#
At present Pigweed’s module structure is flat and at the project root level.
There are currently 134 top level pw_*
directories. This proposal could
significantly increase this count as each new display driver will be a new
module. This might be a good time to consider putting modules into a hierarchy.
Pixel Pusher#
was created to remove the details of writing pixels from the
display driver. Many displays support multiple ways to send pixel data. For
example the ILI9341 supports SPI and a parallel bus for pixel transport.
The STM32F429I-DISC1
also has a display controller (LTDC)
which uses an STM proprietary API. The PixelPusher
was essentially created
to allow that driver to use the LTDC API without the need to be coupled in any
way to a vendor API.
At present some display drivers use pw_spi
to send commands to the display
controller, and the PixelPusher
for writing pixel data. It will probably
be cleaner to move the command writes into the PixelPusher
and remove any
interaction from the display drivers. At this time PixelPusher
should be renamed.
Copyrighted SDKs#
Some vendors have copyrighted SDKs which cannot be included in the Pigweed source code unless the project is willing to have the source covered by more than one license. Additionally some SDKs have no simple download link and the vendor requires that a developer use a web application to build and download an SDK with the desired components. NXP’s MCUXpresso SDK Builder is an example of this. This download process makes it difficult to provide simple instructions to the developer and for creating reliable builds as it may be difficult to select an older SDK for download.