
Utilities for building NXP MCUXpresso SDK targets

Stable Bazel GN

The pw_build_mcuxpresso module provides helper utilities for building a target based on an NXP MCUXpresso SDK.

The GN build files live in third_party/mcuxpresso but are documented here. The rationale for keeping the build files in third_party is that code depending on an MCUXpresso SDK can clearly see that their dependency is on third party, not pigweed code.

Using an MCUXpresso SDK#

An MCUXpresso SDK consists of a number of components, each of which has a set of sources, headers, preprocessor defines, and dependencies on other components. These are all described in an XML “manifest” file included in the SDK package.

To use the SDK within a Pigweed project, the set of components you need must be combined into a library that you can depend on. This library will include all of the sources and headers, along with necessary preprocessor defines, for those components and their dependencies.

Optional components#

Including components will include all of their required dependencies. Where the components you include have optional dependencies, they must be satisfied by the set of components you include otherwise the library generation will fail with an error.

Excluding components#

Components can be excluded from the generated source set, for example to suppress errors about optional dependencies your project does not need, or to prevent an unwanted component dependency from being introduced into your project.


mcuxpresso_builder is a utility installed into the environment that is used by the GN build scripts in third_party/mcuxpresso, or directly by you to generate rules for the Bazel build.

Usage is documented for each build system in the relevant section.

The GN build#

Using an MCUxpresso SDK within a Pigweed project that uses the GN Build system involves the creation of one or more pw_source_set targets you can depend on in your executable targets.

These source sets sets are defined using the pw_mcuxpresso_sdk template. Provide the path to the manifest XML, along with the names of the components you wish to include.

For boards with multiple cores, pass the specific core to filter components for in device_core.


pw_mcuxpresso_sdk("sample_project_sdk") {
  manifest = "$dir_pw_third_party/mcuxpresso/evkmimxrt595/EVK-MIMXRT595_manifest_v3_13.xml"
  include = [
  device_core = "cm33_MIMXRT595S"

pw_executable("hello_world") {
  sources = [ "" ]
  deps = [ ":sample_project_sdk" ]

To exclude components, provide the list to exclude as an argument to the template. For example to replace the FreeRTOS kernel bundled with the MCUXpresso SDK with the Pigweed third-party target:

pw_mcuxpresso_sdk("freertos_project_sdk") {
  // manifest and includes ommitted for clarity
  exclude = [ "middleware.freertos-kernel.MIMXRT595S" ]
  public_deps = [ "$dir_pw_third_party/freertos" ]

Introducing dependencies#

As seen above, the generated source set can have dependencies added by passing the public_deps (or deps) arguments to the template.

You can also pass the allow_circular_includes_from, configs, and public_configs arguments to augment the generated source set.

For example it is very common to replace the project_template component with a source set of your own that provides modified copies of the files from the SDK.

To resolve circular dependencies, in addition to the generated source set, two configs named with the __defines and __includes suffixes on the template name are generated, to provide the preprocessor defines and include paths that the source set uses.

pw_mcuxpresso_sdk("my_project_sdk") {
  manifest = "$dir_pw_third_party/mcuxpresso/evkmimxrt595/EVK-MIMXRT595_manifest_v3_13.xml"
  include = [
  public_deps = [ ":my_project_config" ]
  allow_circular_includes_from = [ ":my_project_config" ]

pw_source_set("my_project_config") {
  sources = [ "board.c", "clock_config.c", "pin_mux.c" ]
  public = [ "board.h", "clock_config.h", "pin_mux.h "]
  public_configs = [


For the GN build, this utility is invoked by the pw_mcuxpresso_sdk template. You should only need to interact with mcuxpresso_builder directly if you are doing something custom.

This command generates repository that contains BUILD rules for both GN and Bazel. You can use –skip-bazel or –skip-gn to skip generating rules for respective build system.

mcuxpresso_builder EVK-MIMXRT595_manifest_v3_14.xml \
  --include project_template.evkmimxrt595.MIMXRT595S \
  utility.debug_console.MIMXRT595S \
component.serial_manager_uart.MIMXRT595S \
--exclude middleware.freertos-kernel.MIMXRT595S \
  --device-core cm33_MIMXRT595S \
  --output-path gn_out_sdk \
--mcuxpresso-repo \
--mcuxpresso-rev MCUX_2.16.000

The Bazel build#

Using an MCUxpresso SDK within a Pigweed project that uses the Bazel build system involves the creation of one or more cc_library targets you can depend on in your executable targets.

These targets should select required components from the SDK using the pre-generated BUILD.bazel file created from SDK manifest.

Out of the box, Pigweed provides rules for basic components from the MCUXpresso SDK. You can list those components out by running

bazelisk query @mcuxpresso//...

To use those components, simply specify them as deps in your code.

  name = "mcuxpresso_sdk",
  target_compatible_with = [
  deps = [

In addition, you might want to pass some additional configuration to SDK rules. You can do that by overriding the @mcuxpresso//:user_config option to point to your custom rule

  name = "debug",
  flag_values = {"@mcuxpresso//:user_config": "//:my_sdk_config"}

  name = "my_sdk_config",
  defines = [

Generating the SDK#

If your use case requires you to use components that are not provided by Pigweed, you will have to use the mcuxpresso_builder script to generate additional targets for these components.

Provide the path to the manifest XML, url to MCUxpresso SDK repository along with the names of the components you wish to --include or --exclude.

This command generates repository that contains BUILD rules for both GN and Bazel. You can use –skip-bazel or –skip-gn to skip generating rules for respective build system.

bazelisk run //pw_build_mcuxpresso/py:mcuxpresso_builder -- EVK-MIMXRT595_manifest_v3_14.xml \
  --mcuxpresso-repo= \
  --mcuxpresso-rev=MCUX_2.16.000 \
  --device-core=cm33_MIMXRT595S \
  --output-path=bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/mcuxpresso-sdk \
  --clean \
  --include \
  project_template.evkmimxrt595.MIMXRT595S \
  utility.debug_console.MIMXRT595S \
  component.serial_manager_uart.MIMXRT595S \
  --exclude \

This will generate a new SDK together with a Bazel build file containing rules for each of the specified components (and their dependencies) and a file with additional information.

After that, update MODULE.bazel to point to your generated SDK.

  name = "mcuxpresso",
  commit = "your_commit_sha",
  remote = "your_remote",

Directly modifying the generated SDK is not recommended.