
NXP MCUXpresso SDK implementation for pw_i2c

Stable C++17

pw_i2c_mcuxpresso implements the pw_i2c interface using the NXP MCUXpresso SDK.

The implementation is based on the i2c driver in SDK. I2C transfers use non-blocking driver API.

I3cMcuxpressoInitiator implements the pw_i2c initiator interface using the MCUXpresso I3C driver. It exposes a few I3C specific API’s for setting up the bus, allowing normal I2C API’s to work after setup.


This module requires following setup:

  1. Use pw_build_mcuxpresso to create a pw_source_set for an MCUXpresso SDK.

  2. Include the i2c driver component in this SDK definition.

  3. Specify the pw_third_party_mcuxpresso_SDK GN global variable to specify the name of this source set.

  4. Use pw::i2c::McuxpressoInitiator implementation of pw::i2c::Initiator while creating pw::i2c::Device or pw::i2c::RegisterDevice interface to access the I2C devices connected to target.


constexpr uint32_t kI2CBaudRate = 100000;
constexpr McuxpressoInitiator::Config kConfig = {
    .flexcomm_address = I2C11_BASE,
    .clock_name = kCLOCK_Flexcomm11Clk,
    .baud_rate_bps = kI2CBaudRate,
McuxpressoInitiator initiator{kConfig};

I3cMcuxpressoInitiator example usage.

constexpr I3cMcuxpressoInitiator::Config kI3c0Config = {
 .base_address = I3C0_BASE,
 .i2c_baud_rate = kI3cI2cBaudRate,
 .i3c_open_drain_baud_rate = kI3cOpenDrainBaudRate,
 .i3c_push_pull_baud_rate = kI3cPushPullBaudRate,
 .enable_open_drain_stop = false,  // NXP default
 .enable_open_drain_high = true,   // necessary to allow bus to operate in
                                   // mixed mode

I3cMcuxpressoInitiator i3c_0_initiator{kI3c0Config};

// Initialize the i3c core library. After this is called, the
// initiator can be used for regular i2c communication.

// Perform an i3c bus initialization by assigning the following targets
// their i2c static address as their i3c dynamic address.
constexpr std::array<pw::i2c::Address, 2> kI3cTargets = {

I3cMcuxpressoInitiator example of a individual static i3c devices that comes on and offline to save power.

constexpr I3cMcuxpressoInitiator::Config kI3c0Config = {
 .base_address = I3C0_BASE,
 .i2c_baud_rate = kI3cI2cBaudRate,
 .i3c_open_drain_baud_rate = kI3cOpenDrainBaudRate,
 .i3c_push_pull_baud_rate = kI3cPushPullBaudRate,
 .enable_open_drain_stop = false,  // NXP default
 .enable_open_drain_high = true,   // necessary to allow bus to operate in
                                   // mixed mode

I3cMcuxpressoInitiator i3c_0_initiator{kI3c0Config};

// Initialize the i3c core library. After this is called, the
// initiator can be used for regular i2c communication.

constexpr auto address = pw::i2c:Address::SevenBit<0x58>();

// Assign a fixed i3c address from the static i2c address.

// i3c read write activity against address

// Power off device.

// Tell the initiator that the address is no longer assigned.

// Optionally disable the initiator to bring the SDA/SCL lines low.
// i3c_0_initiator.Disable();