Quickstart & guides#

pw_rpc: Efficient, low-code-size RPC system for embedded devices


This section guides you through the process of adding pw_rpc to your project.

Check out Overview for a conceptual explanation of the RPC lifecycle.

1. RPC service declaration#

Declare a service in a service definition:

/* //applications/blinky/blinky.proto */

syntax = "proto3";

package blinky;

import "pw_protobuf_protos/common.proto";

service Blinky {
  // Toggles the LED on or off.
  rpc ToggleLed(pw.protobuf.Empty) returns (pw.protobuf.Empty);
  // Continuously blinks the board LED a specified number of times.
  rpc Blink(BlinkRequest) returns (pw.protobuf.Empty);

message BlinkRequest {
  // The interval at which to blink the LED, in milliseconds.
  uint32 interval_ms = 1;
  // The number of times to blink the LED.
  optional uint32 blink_count = 2;
} // BlinkRequest

Declare the protocol buffer in BUILD.bazel:

# //applications/blinky/BUILD.bazel


    name = "proto",
    srcs = ["blinky.proto"],
    deps = [

    name = "nanopb",
    deps = [":proto"],

    name = "nanopb_rpc",
    nanopb_proto_library_deps = [":nanopb"],
    deps = [":proto"],

2. RPC code generation#

How do you interact with this protobuf from C++? pw_rpc uses codegen libraries to automatically transform .proto definitions into C++ header files. These headers are generated in the build output directory. Their exact location varies by build system and toolchain but the C++ include path always matches the source declarations in proto_library. The .proto extension is replaced with an extension corresponding to the protobuf codegen library in use:

Protobuf libraries

Build subtarget

Protobuf header

pw_rpc header

Raw only




Nanopb or raw




pw_protobuf or raw




Most projects should default to Nanopb. See When to use raw, Nanopb, or pw_protobuf headers and methods.

For example, the generated RPC header for applications/blinky.proto is applications/blinky.rpc.pb.h for Nanopb or applications/blinky.raw_rpc.pb.h for raw RPCs.

The generated header defines a base class for each RPC service declared in the .proto file. A service named TheService in package foo.bar would generate the following base class for pw_protobuf:

template<typename Implementation>
class foo::bar::pw_rpc::pwpb::TheService::Service#

3. RPC service definition#

Implement a service class by inheriting from the generated RPC service base class and defining a method for each RPC. The methods must match the name and function signature for one of the supported protobuf implementations. Services may mix and match protobuf implementations within one service.

A Nanopb implementation of the Blinky service looks like this:

/* //applications/blinky/main.cc */

// ...
#include "applications/blinky/blinky.rpc.pb.h"
#include "pw_system/rpc_server.h"
// ...

class BlinkyService final
    : public blinky::pw_rpc::nanopb::Blinky::Service<BlinkyService> {
  pw::Status ToggleLed(const pw_protobuf_Empty &, pw_protobuf_Empty &) {
    // Turn the LED off if it's currently on and vice versa
  pw::Status Blink(const blinky_BlinkRequest &request, pw_protobuf_Empty &) {
    if (request.blink_count == 0) {
      // Stop blinking
    if (request.interval_ms > 0) {
      // Change the blink interval
    if (request.has_blink_count) {  // Auto-generated property
      // Blink request.blink_count times

BlinkyService blinky_service;

namespace pw::system {

void UserAppInit() {
  // ...

} // namespace pw::system

Declare the implementation in BUILD.bazel:

# //applications/blinky/BUILD.bazel

    name = "blinky",
    srcs = ["main.cc"],
    deps = [
        # ...


The generated code includes RPC service implementation stubs. You can reference or copy and paste these to get started with implementing a service. These stub classes are generated at the bottom of the pw_rpc proto header.

To use the stubs, do the following:

  1. Locate the generated RPC header in the build directory. For example:

    cd bazel-out && find . -name blinky.rpc.pb.h
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the generated RPC header.

  3. Copy the stub class declaration to a header file.

  4. Copy the member function definitions to a source file.

  5. Rename the class or change the namespace, if desired.

  6. List these files in a build target with a dependency on proto_library.

4. Register the service with a server#

Set up the server and register the service:

/* //applications/blinky/main.cc */

// ...
#include "pw_system/rpc_server.h"
// ...

namespace pw::system {

void UserAppInit() {
  // ...

} // namespace pw::system

Next steps#

That’s the end of the quickstart! Learn more about pw_rpc:

Setting up pw_rpc in Zephyr#

To enable pw_rpc.* for Zephyr add CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC=y to the project’s configuration. This will enable the Kconfig menu for the following:

  • pw_rpc.server which can be enabled via CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC_SERVER=y.

  • pw_rpc.client which can be enabled via CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC_CLIENT=y.

  • pw_rpc.client_server which can be enabled via CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC_CLIENT_SERVER=y.

  • pw_rpc.common which can be enabled via CONFIG_PIGWEED_RPC_COMMON=y.

proto2 versus proto3 syntax#

Always use proto3 syntax rather than proto2 for new protocol buffers. proto2 protobufs can be compiled for pw_rpc, but they are not as well supported as proto3. Specifically, pw_rpc lacks support for non-zero default values in proto2. When using Nanopb with pw_rpc, proto2 response protobufs with non-zero field defaults should be manually initialized to the default struct.

In the past, proto3 was sometimes avoided because it lacked support for field presence detection. Fortunately, this has been fixed: proto3 now supports optional fields, which are equivalent to proto2 optional fields.

If you need to distinguish between a default-valued field and a missing field, mark the field as optional. The presence of the field can be detected with std::optional, a HasField(name), or has_<field> member, depending on the library.

Optional fields have some overhead. If using Nanopb, default-valued fields are included in the encoded proto, and the proto structs have a has_<field> flag for each optional field. Use plain fields if field presence detection is not needed.

syntax = "proto3";

message MyMessage {
  // Leaving this field unset is equivalent to setting it to 0.
  int32 number = 1;

  // Setting this field to 0 is different from leaving it unset.
  optional int32 other_number = 2;

When to use raw, Nanopb, or pw_protobuf headers and methods#

There are three types of generated headers and methods available:

  • Raw

  • Nanopb

  • pw_protobuf

This section explains when to use each one. See 2. RPC code generation for context.

pw_rpc doesn’t generate raw headers unless you specifically request them in your build. These headers allow you to use raw methods. Raw methods only give you a serialized request buffer and an output buffer. Projects typically only work with raw headers and methods when they have large, complex proto definitions (e.g. lots of callbacks) that are difficult to work with. Advanced projects might use raw headers and methods when they need finer control over how a proto is encoded.

Nanopb and pw_protobuf are higher-level libraries that make it easier to serialize or deserialize protos inside raw bytes. Most new projects should default to Nanopb for the time being. Pigweed has plans to improve pw_protobuf but those plans will take a while to implement.

The Nanopb and pw_protobuf APIs and codegen are both built on top of the underlying raw APIs, which is why it’s always possible to fallback to raw APIs. If you define a Nanopb or pw_protobuf service, you can choose to make individual methods raw by defining them using the raw method signature. You still import the Nanopb or pw_protobuf header and can use the methods from those libraries elsewhere. Unless you believe your entire service requires pure raw methods, it’s better to use Nanopb or pw_protobuf for most things and fallback to raw only when needed.


Mixing Nanopb and pw_protobuf within the same service not supported

You can have a mix of Nanopb, pw_protobuf, and raw services on the same server. Within a service, you can mix raw and Nanopb or raw and pw_protobuf methods. You can’t currently mix Nanopb and pw_protobuf methods but Pigweed can implement this if needed. b/234874320 outlines some conflicts you may encounter if you try to include Nanopb and pw_protobuf headers in the same source file.

Falling back to raw methods#

When implementing an RPC service using Nanopb or pw_protobuf, you may sometimes run into limitations of the protobuf library when used in conjunction with pw_rpc. For example, fields which use callbacks require those callbacks to be set prior to the decode operation, but pw_rpc internally decodes every message passed into a method implementation without any opportunity to set these. Alternatively, you may simply want finer control over how your messages are encoded.

To assist with these cases, pw_rpc allows any method within a Nanopb or pw_protobuf service to use its raw APIs without having to define the entire service as raw. Implementors may choose on a method-by-method basis where they desire to have access to the raw protobuf messages.

To implement a method using the raw APIs, all you have to do is change the signature of the function — pw_rpc will automatically handle the rest. Examples are provided below, each showing a Nanopb method and its equivalent raw signature.

Unary method#

When defining a unary method using the raw APIs, it is important to note that there is no synchronous raw unary API. The asynchronous unary method signature must be used instead.


// Synchronous unary method.
pw::Status DoFoo(const FooRequest& request, FooResponse response);

// Asynchronous unary method.
void DoFoo(const FooRequest& request,
           pw::rpc::NanopbUnaryResponder<FooResponse>& responder);


// Only asynchronous unary methods are supported.
void DoFoo(pw::ConstByteSpan request, pw::rpc::RawUnaryResponder& responder);

Server streaming method#


void DoFoo(const FooRequest& request,
           pw::rpc::NanopbServerWriter<FooResponse>& writer);


void DoFoo(pw::ConstByteSpan request, pw::rpc::RawServerWriter& writer);

Client streaming method#


void DoFoo(pw::rpc::NanopbServerReader<FooRequest, FooResponse>&);


void DoFoo(RawServerReader&);

Bidirectional streaming method#


void DoFoo(pw::rpc::NanopbServerReaderWriter<Request, Response>&);


void DoFoo(RawServerReaderWriter&);

Testing a pw_rpc integration#

After setting up a pw_rpc server in your project, you can test that it is working as intended by registering the provided EchoService, defined in echo.proto, which echoes back a message that it receives.

syntax = "proto3";

package pw.rpc;

option java_package = "dev.pigweed.pw_rpc.proto";

service EchoService {
  rpc Echo(EchoMessage) returns (EchoMessage) {}

message EchoMessage {
  string msg = 1;

For example, in C++ with pw_protobuf:

#include "pw_rpc/server.h"

// Include the apporpriate header for your protobuf library.
#include "pw_rpc/echo_service_pwpb.h"

constexpr pw::rpc::Channel kChannels[] = { /* ... */ };
static pw::rpc::Server server(kChannels);

static pw::rpc::EchoService echo_service;

void Init() {

See Testing for more C++-specific testing guidance.

Benchmarking and stress testing#

pw_rpc provides an RPC service and Python module for stress testing and benchmarking a pw_rpc deployment.

pw_rpc provides tools for stress testing and benchmarking a Pigweed RPC deployment and the transport it is running over. Two components are included:

  • The pw.rpc.Benchmark service and its implementation.

  • A Python module that runs tests using the Benchmark service.

pw.rpc.Benchmark service#

The Benchmark service provides a low-level RPC service for sending data between the client and server. The service is defined in pw_rpc/benchmark.proto.

A raw RPC implementation of the benchmark service is provided. This implementation is suitable for use in any system with pw_rpc. To access this service, add a dependency on "$dir_pw_rpc:benchmark" in GN or pw_rpc.benchmark in CMake. Then, include the service (#include "pw_rpc/benchmark.h"), instantiate it, and register it with your RPC server, like any other RPC service.

The Benchmark service was designed with the Python-based benchmarking tools in mind, but it may be used directly to test basic RPC functionality. The service is well suited for use in automated integration tests or in an interactive console.

Benchmark service#

syntax = "proto3";

package pw.rpc;

service Benchmark {
  // The server responds with the payload the client sent.
  rpc UnaryEcho(Payload) returns (Payload);

  // The server responds to each request payload the client sends. The client
  // stops the RPC by cancelling it.
  rpc BidirectionalEcho(stream Payload) returns (stream Payload);

message Payload {
  bytes payload = 1;


#include "pw_rpc/benchmark.h"
#include "pw_rpc/server.h"

constexpr pw::rpc::Channel kChannels[] = { /* ... */ };
static pw::rpc::Server server(kChannels);

static pw::rpc::BenchmarkService benchmark_service;

void RegisterServices() {

Stress testing#


This section is experimental and liable to change.

The Benchmark service is also used as part of a stress test of the pw_rpc module. This stress test is implemented as an unguided fuzzer that uses multiple worker threads to perform generated sequences of actions using RPC Call objects. The test is included as an integration test, and can found and be run locally using GN:

$ gn desc out //:integration_tests deps | grep fuzz

$ gn outputs out '//pw_rpc/fuzz:cpp_client_server_fuzz_test(//targets/host/pigweed_internal:pw_strict_host_clang_debug)'

$ ninja -C out pw_strict_host_clang_debug/gen/pw_rpc/fuzz/cpp_client_server_fuzz_test.pw_pystamp