
Efficient, low-code-size RPC system for embedded devices

Stable C++ Java JavaScript Python TypeScript

/* //applications/blinky/blinky.proto */

syntax = "proto3";

package blinky;

import "pw_protobuf_protos/common.proto";

service Blinky {
  // Toggles the LED on or off.
  rpc ToggleLed(pw.protobuf.Empty) returns (pw.protobuf.Empty);
  // Continuously blinks the board LED a specified number of times.
  rpc Blink(BlinkRequest) returns (pw.protobuf.Empty);

message BlinkRequest {
  // The interval at which to blink the LED, in milliseconds.
  uint32 interval_ms = 1;
  // The number of times to blink the LED.
  optional uint32 blink_count = 2;
} // BlinkRequest
/* //applications/blinky/ */

// ...
#include "applications/blinky/blinky.rpc.pb.h"
#include "pw_system/rpc_server.h"
// ...

class BlinkyService final
    : public blinky::pw_rpc::nanopb::Blinky::Service<BlinkyService> {
  pw::Status ToggleLed(const pw_protobuf_Empty &, pw_protobuf_Empty &) {
    // Turn the LED off if it's currently on and vice versa
  pw::Status Blink(const blinky_BlinkRequest &request, pw_protobuf_Empty &) {
    if (request.blink_count == 0) {
      // Stop blinking
    if (request.interval_ms > 0) {
      // Change the blink interval
    if (request.has_blink_count) {  // Auto-generated property
      // Blink request.blink_count times

BlinkyService blinky_service;

namespace pw::system {

void UserAppInit() {
  // ...

} // namespace pw::system
# //applications/blinky/BUILD.bazel


     name = "blinky",
     srcs = [""],
     deps = [
         # ...

     name = "proto",
     srcs = ["blinky.proto"],
     deps = [

     name = "nanopb",
     deps = [":proto"],

     name = "nanopb_rpc",
     nanopb_proto_library_deps = [":nanopb"],
     deps = [":proto"],
Quickstart & guides

Check out the pw_rpc quickstart for more explanation of the code above. The guides answer common questions such as whether to use proto2 or proto3 syntax.

C++ server and client

C++ server and client library API guides.

Packet protocol

A detailed description of the pw_rpc packet protocol.


An overview of the RPC call lifecycle, naming conventions, and the pw_rpc roadmap.

Python client

Python client library API reference.

TypeScript client

TypeScript client library API guide.

Nanopb codegen

Nanopb codegen library API guide.

pw_protobuf codegen

pw_protobuf codegen library API guide.