Code formatting#

pw_presubmit: Python tools for running presubmit checks and linters


b/326309165: While the pw format command interface is very stable, the pw_presubmit.format library is a work-in-progress effort to detach the implementation of pw format from the pw_presubmit module. Not all formatters are migrated, and the library API is unstable. After some of the core pieces land, this library will be moved to pw_code_format.

API reference#


Formatting library core.


The callback type for producing diffs.


path: File path of the file being diffed. original: The contents of the original file, as a string. formatted: The contents of the formatted file, as a string.


A human readable diff as a string.

alias of Callable[[Path, str, str], str]

class pw_presubmit.format.core.FileChecker(*, file_patterns: ~pw_cli.file_filter.FileFilter, mnemonic: str, tool_runner: ~pw_cli.tool_runner.ToolRunner = <pw_cli.tool_runner.BasicSubprocessRunner object>, diff_tool: ~typing.Callable[[~pathlib.Path, str, str], str] = <function simple_diff>)

Abstract class for a code format check tool.

This class does not have the ability to apply formatting to files, and instead only allows in-memory checks to produce expected resulting diffs.


A pw_cli.file_filter.FileFilter that describes what kind of files this check applies to.


A human-readable description of the kind of checker this is (e.g. “C and C++”, “Bazel”, “Python (black)”).


The pw_presubmit.format.core.ToolRunner to use when calling out to subprocesses.


The pw_presubmit.format.core.DiffCallback to use when producing formatting diffs.

__init__(*, file_patterns: ~pw_cli.file_filter.FileFilter, mnemonic: str, tool_runner: ~pw_cli.tool_runner.ToolRunner = <pw_cli.tool_runner.BasicSubprocessRunner object>, diff_tool: ~typing.Callable[[~pathlib.Path, str, str], str] = <function simple_diff>)
abstract format_file_in_memory(
file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Returns the formatted version of a file as in-memory bytes.

file_path and file_content represent the same file. Both are provided for convenience. Use file_path if you can do so without modifying the file, or use file_contents if the formatting tool provides a mechanism for formatting the file by piping it to stdin.

Any subprocess calls should be initiated with self.run_tool() to enable testing and injection of tools and tool wrappers.

WARNING: A pw_presubmit.format.core.FileChecker must never modify the file at``file_path``.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

get_formatting_diff(file_path: Path, dry_run: bool = False) FormattedDiff | None

Returns a diff comparing a file to its formatted version.

If dry_run is True, the diff will always be None.


None if there is no difference after formatting OR if dry_run is enabled. Otherwise, a pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedDiff is returned containing either a diff or an error.

paths: Iterable[Path],
dry_run: bool = False,
) Iterator[FormattedDiff]

Checks the formatting of many files without modifying them.

This method may be overridden to optimize for formatters that allow checking multiple files in a single invocation, though you may need to do additional parsing to produce diffs or error messages associated with each file path.


An iterator of pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattingDiff objects for each file with identified formatting issues.

class pw_presubmit.format.core.FileFormatter(**kwargs)

Abstract class for a code format fix tool.

abstract format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place.

Any subprocess calls should be initiated with self.run_tool() to enable testing and injection of tools and tool wrappers.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Formats the provided files and fixes them in-place.

All files must be updated to contain the formatted version. If errors are encountered along the way, they should be collected and returned as a dictionary that maps the path of the file to a string that describes the errors encountered while processing that file.

Any subprocess calls should be initiated with self.run_tool() to enable testing and injection of tools and tool wrappers.

This method may be overridden to optimize for formatters that allow formatting multiple files in a single invocation, though you may need to do additional parsing to associate error messages with the paths of the files that produced them.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.

class pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus(ok: bool, error_message: str | None)

The status of running a code formatter in-place on a file.

This type is returned by in-place formatting fix operations.


A boolean indicating whether or not formatting was successful.




A string containing any errors or warnings produced by the formatting process.


str | None

__init__(ok: bool, error_message: str | None) None
class pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedDiff(ok: bool, diff: str, error_message: str | None, file_path: Path)

The resulting diff of applying a code formatter to a file.


A boolean indicating whether or not formatting was successful.




The resulting diff of applying code formatting, as a human-readable string.




A string containing any errors or warnings produced by the formatting process.


str | None


The path of the corresponding file that produced this diff.



__init__(ok: bool, diff: str, error_message: str | None, file_path: Path) None
class pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents(ok: bool, formatted_file_contents: bytes, error_message: str | None)

The result of running a code formatter on the contents of a file.

This type is returned by in-memory formatting check operations.


A boolean indicating whether or not formatting was successful.




The contents of the resulting formatted file as bytes.




A string containing any errors or warnings produced by the formatting process.


str | None

__init__(ok: bool, formatted_file_contents: bytes, error_message: str | None) None
pw_presubmit.format.core.simple_diff(path: Path, original: str, formatted: str) str

Produces a diff of the contents of two files.


class pw_presubmit.format.bazel.BuildifierFormatter(warnings_to_fix: Sequence[str] = ('load', 'native-build', 'unsorted-dict-items'), **kwargs)

A formatter that runs buildifier on files.

__init__(warnings_to_fix: Sequence[str] = ('load', 'native-build', 'unsorted-dict-items'), **kwargs)
format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place using buildifier.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Uses buildifier to check the formatting of the requested file.

The file at file_path is NOT modified by this check.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[Tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Uses buildifier to format the specified files in-place.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.

class pw_presubmit.format.cpp.ClangFormatFormatter(tool_flags: Sequence[str] = ('--style=file',), **kwargs)

A formatter that runs clang-format on files.

__init__(tool_flags: Sequence[str] = ('--style=file',), **kwargs)
format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place using clang-format.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Uses clang-format to check the formatting of the requested file.

The file at file_path is NOT modified by this check.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Uses clang-format to format the specified files in-place.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.

class Sequence[str] = (), **kwargs)

A formatter that runs gn format on files.

__init__(tool_flags: Sequence[str] = (), **kwargs)
format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place using gn format.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Uses gn format to check the formatting of the requested file.

The file at file_path is NOT modified by this check.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[Tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Uses gn format to fix formatting of the specified files in-place.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.

class pw_presubmit.format.python.BlackFormatter(config_file: Path | bool = True, **kwargs)

A formatter that runs black on files.

__init__(config_file: Path | bool = True, **kwargs)

Creates a formatter for Python that uses black.


config_file – The black config file to use to configure black. This defaults to True, which formats files using the nearest .black.toml file in the parent directory of the file being formatted. False disables this behavior entirely.

format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place using black.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Uses black to check the formatting of the requested file.

The file at file_path is NOT modified by this check.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[Tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Uses black to format the specified files in-place.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.