Code formatting#

pw_presubmit: Python tools for running presubmit checks and linters


b/326309165: While the pw format command interface is very stable, the pw_presubmit.format library is a work-in-progress effort to detach the implementation of pw format from the pw_presubmit module. Not all formatters are migrated, and the library API is unstable. After some of the core pieces land, this library will be moved to pw_code_format.

API reference#


Formatting library core.


The callback type for producing diffs.


path: File path of the file being diffed. original: The contents of the original file, as a string. formatted: The contents of the formatted file, as a string.


A human readable diff as a string.

alias of Callable[[Path, str, str], str]

class pw_presubmit.format.core.FileChecker(*, file_patterns: ~pw_cli.file_filter.FileFilter, mnemonic: str, tool_runner: ~pw_cli.tool_runner.ToolRunner = <pw_cli.tool_runner.BasicSubprocessRunner object>, diff_tool: ~typing.Callable[[~pathlib.Path, str, str], str] = <function simple_diff>)

Abstract class for a code format check tool.

This class does not have the ability to apply formatting to files, and instead only allows in-memory checks to produce expected resulting diffs.


A pw_cli.file_filter.FileFilter that describes what kind of files this check applies to.


A human-readable description of the kind of checker this is (e.g. “C and C++”, “Bazel”, “Python (black)”).


The pw_presubmit.format.core.ToolRunner to use when calling out to subprocesses.


The pw_presubmit.format.core.DiffCallback to use when producing formatting diffs.

__init__(*, file_patterns: ~pw_cli.file_filter.FileFilter, mnemonic: str, tool_runner: ~pw_cli.tool_runner.ToolRunner = <pw_cli.tool_runner.BasicSubprocessRunner object>, diff_tool: ~typing.Callable[[~pathlib.Path, str, str], str] = <function simple_diff>)
abstract format_file_in_memory(
file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Returns the formatted version of a file as in-memory bytes.

file_path and file_content represent the same file. Both are provided for convenience. Use file_path if you can do so without modifying the file, or use file_contents if the formatting tool provides a mechanism for formatting the file by piping it to stdin.

Any subprocess calls should be initiated with self.run_tool() to enable testing and injection of tools and tool wrappers.

WARNING: A pw_presubmit.format.core.FileChecker must never modify the file at``file_path``.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

get_formatting_diff(file_path: Path, dry_run: bool = False) FormattedDiff | None

Returns a diff comparing a file to its formatted version.

If dry_run is True, the diff will always be None.


None if there is no difference after formatting OR if dry_run is enabled. Otherwise, a pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedDiff is returned containing either a diff or an error.

paths: Iterable[Path],
dry_run: bool = False,
) Iterator[FormattedDiff]

Checks the formatting of many files without modifying them.

This method may be overridden to optimize for formatters that allow checking multiple files in a single invocation, though you may need to do additional parsing to produce diffs or error messages associated with each file path.


An iterator of pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattingDiff objects for each file with identified formatting issues.

class pw_presubmit.format.core.FileFormatter(**kwargs)

Abstract class for a code format fix tool.

abstract format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place.

Any subprocess calls should be initiated with self.run_tool() to enable testing and injection of tools and tool wrappers.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Formats the provided files and fixes them in-place.

All files must be updated to contain the formatted version. If errors are encountered along the way, they should be collected and returned as a dictionary that maps the path of the file to a string that describes the errors encountered while processing that file.

Any subprocess calls should be initiated with self.run_tool() to enable testing and injection of tools and tool wrappers.

This method may be overridden to optimize for formatters that allow formatting multiple files in a single invocation, though you may need to do additional parsing to associate error messages with the paths of the files that produced them.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.

class pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus(ok: bool, error_message: str | None)

The status of running a code formatter in-place on a file.

This type is returned by in-place formatting fix operations.


A boolean indicating whether or not formatting was successful.




A string containing any errors or warnings produced by the formatting process.


str | None

__init__(ok: bool, error_message: str | None) None
class pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedDiff(ok: bool, diff: str, error_message: str | None, file_path: Path)

The resulting diff of applying a code formatter to a file.


A boolean indicating whether or not formatting was successful.




The resulting diff of applying code formatting, as a human-readable string.




A string containing any errors or warnings produced by the formatting process.


str | None


The path of the corresponding file that produced this diff.



__init__(ok: bool, diff: str, error_message: str | None, file_path: Path) None
class pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents(ok: bool, formatted_file_contents: bytes, error_message: str | None)

The result of running a code formatter on the contents of a file.

This type is returned by in-memory formatting check operations.


A boolean indicating whether or not formatting was successful.




The contents of the resulting formatted file as bytes.




A string containing any errors or warnings produced by the formatting process.


str | None

__init__(ok: bool, formatted_file_contents: bytes, error_message: str | None) None
pw_presubmit.format.core.simple_diff(path: Path, original: str, formatted: str) str

Produces a diff of the contents of two files.


class pw_presubmit.format.bazel.BuildifierFormatter(warnings_to_fix: Sequence[str] = ('load', 'native-build', 'unsorted-dict-items'), **kwargs)

A formatter that runs buildifier on files.

__init__(warnings_to_fix: Sequence[str] = ('load', 'native-build', 'unsorted-dict-items'), **kwargs)
format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place using buildifier.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Uses buildifier to check the formatting of the requested file.

The file at file_path is NOT modified by this check.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[Tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Uses buildifier to format the specified files in-place.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.

class pw_presubmit.format.cpp.ClangFormatFormatter(tool_flags: Sequence[str] = ('--style=file',), **kwargs)

A formatter that runs clang-format on files.

__init__(tool_flags: Sequence[str] = ('--style=file',), **kwargs)
format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place using clang-format.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Uses clang-format to check the formatting of the requested file.

The file at file_path is NOT modified by this check.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Uses clang-format to format the specified files in-place.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.

class Sequence[str] = (), **kwargs)

A formatter that runs gn format on files.

__init__(tool_flags: Sequence[str] = (), **kwargs)
format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place using gn format.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Uses gn format to check the formatting of the requested file.

The file at file_path is NOT modified by this check.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[Tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Uses gn format to fix formatting of the specified files in-place.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.

class pw_presubmit.format.python.BlackFormatter(config_file: Path | None, **kwargs)

A formatter that runs black on files.

__init__(config_file: Path | None, **kwargs)
format_file(file_path: Path) FormatFixStatus

Formats the provided file in-place using black.


A FormatFixStatus that contains relevant errors/warnings.

file_path: Path,
file_contents: bytes,
) FormattedFileContents

Uses black to check the formatting of the requested file.

The file at file_path is NOT modified by this check.


A populated pw_presubmit.format.core.FormattedFileContents that contains either the result of formatting the file, or an error message.

paths: Iterable[Path],
keep_warnings: bool = True,
) Iterator[Tuple[Path, FormatFixStatus]]

Uses black to format the specified files in-place.


An iterator of Path and pw_presubmit.format.core.FormatFixStatus pairs for each file that was not successfully formatted. If keep_warnings is True, any successful format operations with warnings will also be returned.