

The pw_thread module contains utilities for thread creation and thread execution.

Thread Sleeping#


void pw::this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::SystemClock::duration sleep_duration)#

Blocks the execution of the current thread for at least the specified duration. This function may block for longer due to scheduling or resource contention delays.

A sleep duration of 0 will at minimum yield, meaning it will provide a hint to the implementation to reschedule the execution of threads, allowing other threads to run.

Precondition: This can only be called from a thread, meaning the scheduler is running.

void pw::this_thread::sleep_until(chrono::SystemClock::time_point wakeup_time)#

Blocks the execution of the current thread until at least the specified time has been reached. This function may block for longer due to scheduling or resource contention delays.

A sleep deadline in the past up to the current time will at minimum yield meaning it will provide a hint to the implementation to reschedule the execution of threads, allowing other threads to run.

Precondition: This can only be called from a thread, meaning the scheduler is running.

Examples in C++#

#include <chrono>

#include "pw_chrono/system_clock.h"
#include "pw_thread/sleep.h"

using std::literals::chrono_literals::ms;

void FunctionInvokedByThread() {

void AnotherFunctionInvokedByThread() {
  pw::this_thread::sleep_until(pw::chrono::SystemClock::now() + 42ms);


void pw_this_thread_SleepFor(pw_chrono_SystemClock_Duration sleep_duration)#

Invokes pw::this_thread::sleep_until(sleep_duration).

void pw_this_thread_SleepUntil(pw_chrono_SystemClock_TimePoint wakeup_time)#

Invokes pw::this_thread::sleep_until(wakeup_time).

Thread Yielding#


void pw::this_thread::yield() noexcept#

Provides a hint to the implementation to reschedule the execution of threads, allowing other threads to run.

The exact behavior of this function depends on the implementation, in particular on the mechanics of the OS scheduler in use and the state of the system.

Precondition: This can only be called from a thread, meaning the scheduler is running.

Example in C++#

#include "pw_thread/yield.h"

void FunctionInvokedByThread() {


void pw_this_thread_Yield(void)#

Invokes pw::this_thread::yield().

Thread Identification#

The class pw::Thread::id is a lightweight, trivially copyable class that serves as a unique identifier of Thread objects.

Instances of this class may also hold the special distinct value that does not represent any thread. Once a thread has finished, the value of its Thread::id may be reused by another thread.

This class is designed for use as key in associative containers, both ordered and unordered.

Although the current API is similar to C++11 STL std::thread::id, it is missing the required hashing and streaming operators and may diverge further in the future.

A thread’s identification (pw::Thread::id) can be acquired only in C++ in one of two ways:

  1. Using the pw::Thread handle’s pw::Thread::id get_id() const method.

  2. While executing the thread using pw::Thread::id pw::this_thread::get_id() noexcept.

pw::Thread::id pw::this_thread::get_id() noexcept#

This is thread safe, not IRQ safe. It is implementation defined whether this is safe before the scheduler has started.


#include "pw_thread/thread.h"

void FunctionInvokedByThread() {
  const pw::Thread::id my_id = pw::this_thread::get_id();

Thread creation#

The pw::Thread class can be used to create a thread, allowing multiple functions to execute concurrently.

API reference#

using pw::Thread = ::pw::thread::Thread#

pw::thread::Thread will be renamed to pw::Thread. New code should refer to pw::Thread.

class Thread#

The class Thread can represent a single thread of execution. Threads allow multiple functions to execute concurrently.

Threads may begin execution immediately upon construction of the associated thread object (pending any OS scheduling delays), starting at the top-level function provided as a constructor argument. The return value of the top-level function is ignored. The top-level function may communicate its return value by modifying shared variables (which may require synchronization, see pw_sync and std::atomic)

Thread objects may also be in the state that does not represent any thread (after default construction, move from, detach, or join), and a thread of execution may be not associated with any thread objects (after detach).

No two Thread objects may represent the same thread of execution; Thread is not CopyConstructible or CopyAssignable, although it is MoveConstructible and MoveAssignable.

Public Types

using native_handle_type = backend::NativeThreadHandle#

The type of the native handle for the thread. As with std::thread, use is inherently non-portable.

using id = ::pw::thread::backend::NativeId#

The class id is a lightweight, trivially copyable class that serves as a unique identifier of Thread objects.

Instances of this class may also hold the special distinct value that does not represent any thread. Once a thread has finished, the value of its Thread::id may be reused by another thread.

This class is designed for use as key in associative containers, both ordered and unordered.

The backend must ensure that:

  1. There is a default construct which does not represent a thread.

  2. Compare operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) are provided to compare and sort IDs.

Public Functions


Creates a new thread object which does not represent a thread of execution yet.

Thread(const Options &options, Function<void()> &&entry)#

Creates a thread from a void-returning function or lambda.

This function accepts any callable (including lambdas) which returns void. When using a lambda, the captures must not exceed the inline size of pw::Function (usually a single pointer) unless dynamic allocation is enabled.

To invoke a member method of a class a static lambda closure can be used to ensure the dispatching closure is not destructed before the thread is done executing. For example:

class Foo {
  void DoBar() {}
Foo foo;

// Now use the lambda closure as the thread entry, passing the foo's
// this as the argument.
Thread thread(options, [&foo]() { foo.DoBar(); });

The thread get EITHER detached or joined.

Thread &operator=(Thread &&other)#

The other thread no longer represents a thread of execution.


The thread must have been EITHER detached or joined.

id get_id() const#

Returns a value of Thread::id identifying the thread associated with *this. If there is no thread associated, default constructed Thread::id is returned.

inline bool joinable() const#

Checks if the Thread object identifies an active thread of execution which has not yet been detached. Specifically, returns true if get_id() != pw::Thread::id() and detach() has NOT been invoked. So a default constructed thread is not joinable and neither is one which was detached.

A thread that has not started or has finished executing code which was never detached, but has not yet been joined is still considered an active thread of execution and is therefore joinable.

void detach()#

Separates the thread of execution from the thread object, allowing execution to continue independently. Any allocated resources will be freed once the thread exits.


The thread must have been NEITHER detached nor joined.


After calling detach *this no longer owns any thread.

void swap(Thread &other)#

Exchanges the underlying handles of two thread objects.

native_handle_type native_handle()#

Returns the native handle for the thread. As with std::thread, use is inherently non-portable.

class Options#

The Options contains the parameters needed for a thread to start.

Options are backend specific and ergo the generic base class cannot be directly instantiated.

The attributes which can be set through the options are backend specific but may contain things like the thread name, priority, scheduling policy, core/processor affinity, and/or an optional reference to a pre-allocated Context (the collection of memory allocations needed for a thread to run).

Options shall NOT have an attribute to start threads as detached vs joinable. All pw::Thread instances must be explicitly join()’d or detach()’d through the run-time Thread API.

Note that if backends set PW_THREAD_JOINING_ENABLED to false, backends may use native OS specific APIs to create native detached threads because the join() API would be compiled out. However, users must still explicitly invoke detach().

Options must not contain any memory needed for a thread to run (TCB, stack, etc.). The Options may be deleted or re-used immediately after starting a thread.

using pw::ThreadPriority = thread::internal::Priority<thread::backend::PriorityType, thread::backend::kLowestPriority, thread::backend::kHighestPriority, thread::backend::kDefaultPriority>#

Represents a thread’s priority. Schedulers favor higher priority tasks when determining which thread to run. Scheduling policies differ, but a common default policy for real-time operating systems is preemptive scheduling, where the highest priority ready thread is always selected to run. If there are multiple tasks with the same priority, RTOSes may use round-robin scheduling, where each ready thread at a given priority is given equal opportunity to run.

Priorities may be compared with ==, !=, <, etc. Comparisons occur in terms of the native priorities they represent, but are translated such that logically lower priorities always compare as less than higher priorities, even if the underlying RTOS uses lower numbers for higher priorities.

template<typename T, T kLowestPriority, T kHighestPriority, T kDefaultPriority>
class Priority#

Generic priority class. pw::ThreadPriority instantiates Priority with the priority range specified by the backend.

Public Types

using native_type = T#

Alias for the native priority type used by the backend.


Using native_type is not portable!

Public Functions

inline constexpr Priority()#

Constructs a priority at the backend-specified default level.

inline constexpr Priority NextHigher(Priority maximum = Highest()) const#

Returns the next higher priority. Fails if this priority is the maximum priority.


This function is not portable, since it fails on platforms that cannot represent the requested priority.

inline constexpr Priority NextLower(Priority minimum = Lowest()) const#

Returns the next lower priority. Fails if this priority is the minimum priority.


This function is not portable, since it fails on platforms that cannot represent the requested priority.

inline constexpr Priority NextLowerClamped(Priority minimum = Lowest()) const#

Returns the next lower priority, down to the provided maximum.

inline constexpr Priority NextHigherClamped(Priority maximum = Highest()) const#

Returns the next higher priority, up to the provided minimum.

inline constexpr native_type native() const#

Returns the native value used to represent this priority.


This function is not portable!

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr bool IsSupported()#

True if the pw_thread backend supports more than one priority level.

static inline constexpr Priority Lowest()#

Returns the lowest priority supported by the backend. The underlying OS may support lower priorities; backends may only expose a subset of priorities.

static inline constexpr Priority VeryLow()#

Priority higher than Lowest, but lower than Low, if possible.

static inline constexpr Priority Low()#

Priority higher than VeryLow, but lower than MediumLow, if possible.

static inline constexpr Priority MediumLow()#

Priority higher than Low, but lower than Medium, if possible.

static inline constexpr Priority Medium()#

Priority higher than MediumLow, but lower than MediumHigh, if possible.

static inline constexpr Priority MediumHigh()#

Priority higher than Medium, but lower than High, if possible.

static inline constexpr Priority High()#

Priority higher than MediumHigh, but lower than VeryHigh, if possible.

static inline constexpr Priority VeryHigh()#

Priority higher than High, but lower than Highest, if possible.

static inline constexpr Priority Highest()#

Returns the highest priority supported by the backend. The underlying OS may support higher priorities; backends may only expose a subset of priorities.

static inline constexpr Priority Default()#

Returns a priority at the backend-specified default level.

static inline constexpr Priority FromNative(native_type priority)#

Returns the priority value used to represent this native priority.


This function is not portable!

class ThreadAttrs#

Generic attributes of a thread. ThreadAttrs is used with a ThreadContext to create threads.

ThreadAtts provides three attributes: name, priority, stack size, and stack location. These attributes should be considered only as hints &#8212; the pw_thread backend may not support them.

Public Functions

inline constexpr ThreadAttrs()#

Initializes attributes to their backend-defined defaults.

constexpr ThreadAttrs(const ThreadAttrs&) = default#

Thread attributes can be copied to share properties between threads.

inline constexpr const char *name() const#

Name hint as a null-terminated string. Never null.

inline constexpr ThreadAttrs &set_priority(ThreadPriority priority)#

Sets a thread priority hint.

inline constexpr auto native_stack() const#

Returns a span of the native stack to use for this thread. The stack may not be in terms of bytes! Backends that use void* for stacks return a std::byte span. If the backend doesn’t support user-specified stacks,

This function is NOT constexpr if the backend uses void* for stacks.

inline constexpr auto native_stack_pointer() const#

Returns a pointer to the native stack to use for this thread.


This function is NOT portable!

inline constexpr auto native_stack_size() const#

Returns the size of the stack in native units (not necessarily bytes), using the native type (typically an unsigned integer).


This function is NOT portable!

inline constexpr size_t stack_size_bytes() const#

Returns the size of the stack in bytes.

inline constexpr ThreadAttrs &set_stack_size_bytes(size_t stack_size_bytes)#

Sets the thread stack size to use for a stack provided by the ThreadContext. If 0, the thread backend’s minimum stack size is used.


An external stack has not been set with set_stack().

template<size_t kStackSizeBytes>
inline constexpr ThreadAttrs &set_stack(ThreadStack<kStackSizeBytes> &stack)#

Sets the thread to use the provided stack, instead of a stack integrated into the ThreadContext.

inline constexpr ThreadAttrs &clear_stack()#

Clears a previous call to set_stack.

inline constexpr bool has_external_stack() const#

True if the ThreadAttrs use an externally allocated stack, rather than one integrated with the ThreadContext.

template<size_t kStackSizeBytes = kExternallyAllocatedThreadStack>
class ThreadContext#

Represents the resources required for one thread. May include OS data structures, the thread stack, or be empty, depending on the platform.

ThreadContext may be reused or deleted if the associated thread is joined.

ThreadContext takes an optional stack size template parameter. If a stack size is provided, the context allocates a stack internally, if supported by the backend. If no stack is is provided (ThreadContext<>), the ThreadContext must be paired with a pw::ThreadStack.

template<size_t kStackSizeBytes>
class ThreadStack#

Declares a stack to use with a ThreadContext<> without an integrated stack.

Allocating stacks alongside the ThreadContext (e.g. with ThreadContext<1024>) is simpler, but more limited. Declaring a ThreadStack separately gives you more control. For example, you can:

  • Declare thread stacks at specific addresses (e.g. with PW_PLACE_IN_SECTION.)

  • Specify larger-than-native alignments (e.g. alignas(256) pw::ThreadStack<1024>).

  • Poison memory immediately before/after the stack to help detect overflow.

Public Types

using native = internal::ThreadStackPointer#

Native stack “element”. Operating systems typically accept a pointer to this type in their thread creation APIs. May be void for APIs that take a void*, such as pthread_attr_setstack().

Public Functions

inline constexpr native native_pointer()#

Returns a pointer to the native stack.


Calling this function is not portable.

inline constexpr size_t native_size() const#

Returns the size of the stack in terms of the native units &#8212; NOT necessarily bytes!


Calling this function is not portable.

Differences from std::thread#

The pw::thread:Thread API is similar to the C++11 STL std::thread class, meaning the object is effectively a thread handle and not an object which contains the thread’s context. Unlike std::thread, the API requires pw::thread::Options as an argument. These options are platform-specific, and allow the user to specify details such as the thread’s name, priority, stack size, and where the thread’s memory will be stored.

We recognize that the C++11’s STL std::thread API has some drawbacks where it is easy to forget to join or detach the thread handle. Because of this, we offer helper wrappers like the pw::thread::DetachedThread. Soon we will extend this by also adding a pw::thread::JoiningThread helper wrapper which will also have a lighter weight C++20 std::jthread like cooperative cancellation contract to make joining safer and easier.

Execution order#

Threads may begin execution immediately upon construction of the associated thread object (pending any OS scheduling delays), starting at the top-level function provided as a constructor argument. The top-level function may communicate its return value by modifying shared variables (which may require synchronization, see pw_sync)

Thread objects may also be in the state that does not represent any thread (after default construction, move from, detach, or join), and a thread of execution may be not associated with any thread objects (after detach).

No two Thread objects may represent the same thread of execution; Thread is not CopyConstructible or CopyAssignable, although it is MoveConstructible and MoveAssignable.

Supported on

Backend module













Module Configuration Options#

The following configurations can be adjusted via compile-time configuration of this module, see the module documentation for more details.


The log level to use for this module. Logs below this level are omitted.


The pw::thread::Options contains the parameters or attributes needed for a thread to start.

Pigweed does not generalize options, instead we strive to give you full control where we provide helpers to do this.

Options are backend specific and ergo the generic base class cannot be directly instantiated.

The attributes which can be set through the options are backend specific but may contain things like the thread name, priority, scheduling policy, core/processor affinity, and/or an optional reference to a pre-allocated Context (the collection of memory allocations needed for a thread to run).

Options shall NOT have an attribute to start threads as detached vs joinable. All pw::Thread instances must be explicitly join()’d or detach()’d through the run-time Thread API.

Note that if backends set PW_THREAD_JOINING_ENABLED to false, backends may use native OS specific APIs to create native detached threads because the join() API would be compiled out. However, users must still explicitly invoke detach().

Options must not contain any memory needed for a thread to run (TCB, stack, etc.). The Options may be deleted or re-used immediately after starting a thread.

Please see the thread creation backend documentation for how their Options work.

Portable Thread Creation#

Due to the fact that pw::thread::Options cannot be created in portable code, some extra work must be done in order to permit portable thread creation. Namely, a reference to the portable pw::thread::Options base class interface must be provided through a header or extern which points to an instantiation in non-portable code.

This can be most easily done through a facade and set of backends. This approach can be powerful; enabling multithreaded unit/integration testing which can run on both the host and on a device with the device’s exact thread options.

Alternatively, it can also be be injected at build time by instantiating backend specific build rule which share the same common portable source file(s) but select backend specific source files and/or dependencies which provide the non-portable option instantiations.

As an example, let’s say we want to create a thread on the host and on a device running FreeRTOS. They could use a facade which contains a threads.h header with the following contents:

// Contents of my_app/threads.h
#pragma once

#include "pw_thread/thread.h"

namespace my_app {

const pw::thread::Options& HellowWorldThreadOptions();

}  // namespace my_app

This could then be backed by two different backend implementations based on the thread backend. For example for the STL the backend’s source file may look something like:

// Contents of my_app/
#include "my_app/threads.h"
#include "pw_thread_stl/options.h"

namespace my_app {

const pw::thread::Options& HelloWorldThreadOptions() {
  static constexpr auto options = pw::thread::stl::Options();
  return options;

}  // namespace my_app

While for FreeRTOS the backend’s source file may look something like:

// Contents of my_app/
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "my_app/threads.h"
#include "pw_thread_freertos/context.h"
#include "pw_thread_freertos/options.h"
#include "task.h"

namespace my_app {

StaticContextWithStack<kHelloWorldStackWords> hello_world_thread_context;
const pw::thread::Options& HelloWorldThreadOptions() {
  static constexpr auto options =
  return options;

}  // namespace my_app

Detaching & Joining#

The Thread::detach() API is always available, to let you separate the thread of execution from the thread object, allowing execution to continue independently.

The joining API, more specifically Thread::join(), is conditionally available depending on the selected backend for thread creation and how it is configured. The backend is responsible for providing the PW_THREAD_JOINING_ENABLED macro through pw_thread_backend/thread_native.h. This ensures that any users which include pw_thread/thread.h can use this macro if needed.

Please see the selected thread creation backend documentation for how to enable joining if it’s not already enabled by default.


A constructed pw::Thread which represents a thread of execution must be EITHER detached or joined, else the destructor will assert!


To make it slightly easier and cleaner to spawn detached threads without having to worry about thread handles, a wrapper DetachedThread() function is provided which creates a Thread and immediately detaches it. For example instead of:

Thread(options, foo).detach();

You can instead use this helper wrapper to:

DetachedThread(options, foo);

The arguments are directly forwarded to the Thread constructor and ergo exactly match the Thread constuctor arguments for creating a thread of execution.

Thread functions#

Thread functions are provided by a pw::Function<void()> (which may be a lambda or function pointer). Provide a no-argument, void-returning lambda or an equivalent callable:

Thread thread(options, [] {
  // do some work in a thread.

Note that lambdas can capture up to one pointer-sized argument (or more if dynamic allocation is enabled). This can be used to call methods on existing objects (though be sure that the objects’ lifetime will outlive the thread, and note that synchronization may be needed).

class Foo {
  void DoBar() {}
Foo foo;

Thread thread(options, [&foo] {

The legacy ThreadCore class may also be used to start a thread. This class was introduced before pw::Function was available and should not be used in new code.

class Foo : public ThreadCore {
  void Run() override { /* thread logic */ }
Foo foo;

// Create the thread, using foo directly.
Thread(options, foo).detach();

ThreadCore may be replaced by capturing a reference to the class.

class Foo {
  void Run() { /* thread logic */ }
Foo foo;

// Create a thread that executes the Foo::Run().
Thread(options, [&foo] { foo.Run(); }).detach();


Because the thread may start after the pw::Thread creation, an object which implements the ThreadCore MUST meet or exceed the lifetime of its thread of execution!

Unit testing with threads#

class TestThreadContext#

TestThreadContext is a facade class for creating threads for unit tests in a platform independent way. To use it, set pw_thread_TEST_THREAD_CONTEXT_BACKEND to a backend that implements the pw::thread::test::backend::TestThreadContextNative class.

To create a thread for unit testing, instantiate a TestThreadContext, then call options() to obtain a pw::thread::Options. Use that Options to start a Thread. Users must ensure the context’s lifespan outlives the thread it creates. Recycling or destroying the context is only allowed if join() is called on the thread first.

pw::thread::test::TestThreadContext context;
pw::Thread test_thread(context.options(), ExampleThreadFunction);

Threads created with TestThreadContext cannot be configured in any way. Backends should create threads with sufficient resources to execute typical unit tests. Tests for complex scenarios or interactions where e.g. priority matters are not portable, and TestThreadContext may not work for them. Non-portable tests may include backend-specific headers and instantiate thread options for their platforms as required.


Developers should structure their logic so it can be tested without spawning a thread. Unit tests should avoid spawning threads unless absolutely necessary.


Threads using the TestThreadContext may only be detached if the context has a static lifetime, meaning the context is both never re-used and not destroyed before the end of the lifetime of the application.

Public Functions

inline const Options &options() const#

pw::thread::test::TestThreadContext returns a pw::thread::Options associated with the this object, which can be used to contruct a thread.


The default options for testing thread.

As an example, the STL TestThreadContext backend implementation in test_thread_context_native.h is shown below.

namespace pw::thread::test::backend {

// Native Test Thread Options backend class for the C++ standard library.
class TestThreadContextNative {
  constexpr TestThreadContextNative() = default;

  TestThreadContextNative(const TestThreadContextNative&) = delete;
  TestThreadContextNative& operator=(const TestThreadContextNative&) = delete;

  ~TestThreadContextNative() = default;

  const Options& options() const { return options_; }

  stl::Options options_;

}  // namespace pw::thread::test::backend

Thread Iteration#


Status ForEachThread(const ThreadCallback &cb)#

Calls the provided callback for each thread that has not been joined/deleted.

This function provides a generalized subset of information that a TCB might contain to make it easier to introspect system state. Depending on the RTOS and its configuration, some of these fields may not be populated, so it is important to check that they have values before attempting to access them.

Warning: The function may disable the scheduler to perform a runtime capture of thread information.

Thread Snapshot Service#

pw_thread offers an optional RPC service library (:thread_snapshot_service) that enables thread info capture of running threads on a device at runtime via RPC. The service will guide optimization of stack usage by providing an overview of thread information, including thread name, stack bounds, and peak stack usage.

ThreadSnapshotService currently supports peak stack usage capture for all running threads (ThreadSnapshotService::GetPeakStackUsage()) as well as for a specific thread, filtering by name (ThreadSnapshotService::GetPeakStackUsage(name=b"/* thread name */")). Thread information capture relies on the thread iteration facade which will momentarily halt your RTOS, collect information about running threads, and return this information through the service.

RPC service setup#

To expose a ThreadSnapshotService in your application, do the following:

  1. Create an instance of pw::thread::proto::ThreadSnapshotServiceBuffer. This template takes the number of expected threads, and uses it to properly size buffers required for a ThreadSnapshotService. If no thread count argument is provided, this defaults to PW_THREAD_MAXIMUM_THREADS.

  2. Register the service with your RPC server.

For example:

 #include "pw_rpc/server.h"
 #include "pw_thread/thread_snapshot_service.h"

 // Note: You must customize the RPC server setup; see pw_rpc.
 pw::rpc::Channel channels[] = {
 Server server(channels);

// Thread snapshot service builder instance.
pw::thread::proto::ThreadSnapshotServiceBuffer</*num threads*/>

 void RegisterServices() {
   // Register other services here.

 void main() {
   // ... system initialization ...


   // ... start your application ...

The max number of threads to use by default for thread snapshot service.

constexpr size_t RequiredServiceBufferSize(const size_t num_threads)#

Function provided through the service to calculate buffer sizing. If no argument num_threads is specified, the function will take num_threads to be PW_THREAD_MAXIMUM_THREADS.


Some platforms may only support limited subsets of this service depending on RTOS configuration. Ensure that your RTOS is configured properly before using this service. Please see the thread iteration documentation for your backend for more detail on RTOS support.

pw_snapshot integration#

pw_thread provides some light, optional integration with pw_snapshot through helper functions for populating a pw::Thread proto. Some of these are directly integrated into the RTOS thread backends to simplify the thread state capturing for snapshots.


The SnapshotStack() helper captures stack metadata (stack pointer and bounds) into a pw::Thread proto. After the stack bounds are captured, execution is passed off to the thread stack collection callback to capture a backtrace or stack dump. Note that this function does NOT capture the thread name: that metadata is only required in cases where a stack overflow or underflow is detected.

Python processor#

Threads captured as a Thread proto message can be dumped or further analyzed using using pw_thread’s Python module. This is directly integrated into pw_snapshot’s processor tool to automatically provide rich thread state dumps.

The ThreadSnapshotAnalyzer class may also be used directly to identify the currently running thread and produce symbolized thread dumps.


Snapshot integration is a work-in-progress and may see significant API changes.