
pw_tokenizer: Compress strings to shrink logs by +75%

Tokenization converts a string literal to a token. If it’s a printf-style string, its arguments are encoded along with it. The results of tokenization can be sent off device or stored in place of a full string.


See Overview for a high-level explanation of how pw_tokenizer works.

Token generation: fixed length hashing at compile time#

String tokens are generated using a modified version of the x65599 hash used by the SDBM project. All hashing is done at compile time.

In C code, strings are hashed with a preprocessor macro. For compatibility with macros, the hash must be limited to a fixed maximum number of characters. This value is set by PW_TOKENIZER_CFG_C_HASH_LENGTH. Increasing PW_TOKENIZER_CFG_C_HASH_LENGTH increases the compilation time for C due to the complexity of the hashing macros.

C++ macros use a constexpr function instead of a macro. This function works with any length of string and has lower compilation time impact than the C macros. For consistency, C++ tokenization uses the same hash algorithm, but the calculated values will differ between C and C++ for strings longer than PW_TOKENIZER_CFG_C_HASH_LENGTH characters.

Token encoding#

The token is a 32-bit hash calculated during compilation. The string is encoded little-endian with the token followed by arguments, if any. For example, the 31-byte string You can go about your business. hashes to 0xdac9a244. This is encoded as 4 bytes: 44 a2 c9 da.

Arguments are encoded as follows:

  • Integers (1–10 bytes) – ZagZag and varint encoded, similarly to Protocol Buffers. Smaller values take fewer bytes.

  • Floating point numbers (4 bytes) – Single precision floating point.

  • Strings (1–128 bytes) – Length byte followed by the string contents. The top bit of the length whether the string was truncated or not. The remaining 7 bits encode the string length, with a maximum of 127 bytes.


%s arguments can quickly fill a tokenization buffer. Keep %s arguments short or avoid encoding them as strings (e.g. encode an enum as an integer instead of a string). See also Tokenize nested arguments.

Tokenized fields in protocol buffers#

Text may be represented in a few different ways:

  • Plain ASCII or UTF-8 text (This is plain text)

  • Base64-encoded tokenized message ($ibafcA==)

  • Binary-encoded tokenized message (89 b6 9f 70)

  • Little-endian 32-bit integer token (0x709fb689)

pw_tokenizer provides the pw.tokenizer.format protobuf field option. This option may be applied to a protobuf field to indicate that it may contain a tokenized string. A string that is optionally tokenized is represented with a single bytes field annotated with (pw.tokenizer.format) = TOKENIZATION_OPTIONAL.

For example, the following protobuf has one field that may contain a tokenized string.

import "pw_tokenizer_proto/options.proto";

message MessageWithOptionallyTokenizedField {
  bytes just_bytes = 1;
  bytes maybe_tokenized = 2 [(pw.tokenizer.format) = TOKENIZATION_OPTIONAL];
  string just_text = 3;

Tokenization in C++ / C#

To tokenize a string, include pw_tokenizer/tokenize.h and invoke one of the PW_TOKENIZE_* macros.

Tokenize string literals outside of expressions#

pw_tokenizer provides macros for tokenizing string literals with no arguments:

The tokenization macros above cannot be used inside other expressions.

Yes: Assign PW_TOKENIZE_STRING to a constexpr variable.

constexpr uint32_t kGlobalToken = PW_TOKENIZE_STRING("Wowee Zowee!");

void Function() {
  constexpr uint32_t local_token = PW_TOKENIZE_STRING("Wowee Zowee?");

No: Use PW_TOKENIZE_STRING in another expression.

void BadExample() {
  ProcessToken(PW_TOKENIZE_STRING("This won't compile!"));


Tokenize inside expressions#

An alternate set of macros are provided for use inside expressions. These make use of lambda functions, so while they can be used inside expressions, they require C++ and cannot be assigned to constexpr variables or be used with special function variables like __func__.

When to use these macros

Use PW_TOKENIZE_STRING and related macros to tokenize string literals that do not need %-style arguments encoded.

Yes: Use PW_TOKENIZE_STRING_EXPR within other expressions.

void GoodExample() {
  ProcessToken(PW_TOKENIZE_STRING_EXPR("This will compile!"));

No: Assign PW_TOKENIZE_STRING_EXPR to a constexpr variable.

constexpr uint32_t wont_work = PW_TOKENIZE_STRING_EXPR("This won't compile!"));

Instead, use PW_TOKENIZE_STRING to assign to a constexpr variable.

No: Tokenize __func__ in PW_TOKENIZE_STRING_EXPR.

void BadExample() {
  // This compiles, but __func__ will not be the outer function's name, and
  // there may be compiler warnings.
  constexpr uint32_t wont_work = PW_TOKENIZE_STRING_EXPR(__func__);

Instead, use PW_TOKENIZE_STRING to tokenize __func__ or similar macros.

Tokenize a message with arguments to a buffer#

Why use this macro

  • Encode a tokenized message for consumption within a function.

  • Encode a tokenized message into an existing buffer.

Avoid using PW_TOKENIZE_TO_BUFFER in widely expanded macros, such as a logging macro, because it will result in larger code size than passing the tokenized data to a function.

Tokenize nested arguments#

Encoding %s string arguments is inefficient, since %s strings are encoded 1:1, with no tokenization. Tokens can therefore be used to replace string arguments to tokenized format strings.

Logging nested tokens

Users will typically interact with nested token arguments during logging. In this case there is a slightly different interface described by Tokenized log arguments that does not generally invoke PW_TOKEN_FMT directly.

The format specifier for a token is given by PRI-style macro PW_TOKEN_FMT(), which is concatenated to the rest of the format string by the C preprocessor.

                          "I can't believe it's not " PW_TOKEN_FMT() "!",

This feature is currently only supported by the Python detokenizer.

Nested token format#

Nested tokens have the following format within strings:


The $ is a common prefix required for all nested tokens. It is possible to configure a different common prefix if necessary, but using the default $ character is strongly recommended.

The optional DOMAIN specifies the token domain. If this option is omitted, the default (empty) domain is assumed.

The optional BASE defines the numeric base encoding of the token. Accepted values are 8, 10, 16, and 64. If the hash symbol # is used without specifying a number, the base is assumed to be 16. If the base option is omitted entirely, the base defaults to 64 for backward compatibility. All encodings except Base64 are not case sensitive. This may be expanded to support other bases in the future.

Non-Base64 tokens are encoded strictly as 32-bit integers with padding. Base64 data may additionally encode string arguments for the detokenized token, and therefore does not have a maximum width.

The meaning of TOKEN depends on the current phase of transformation for the current tokenized format string. Within the format string’s entry in the token database, when the actual value of the token argument is not known, TOKEN is a printf argument specifier (e.g. %08x for a base-16 token with correct padding). The actual tokens that will be used as arguments have separate entries in the token database.

After the top-level format string has been detokenized and formatted, TOKEN should be the value of the token argument in the specified base, with any necessary padding. This is the final format of a nested token if it cannot be tokenized.

Example tokens#


Token database
(within format string entry)

Partially detokenized










Tokenizing enums#

Logging enums is one common special case where tokenization is particularly appropriate: enum values are conceptually already tokens mapping to their names, assuming no duplicate values.

PW_TOKENIZE_ENUM will take in a fully qualified enum name along with all of the associated enum values. This macro will create database entries that include the domain name (fully qualified enum name), enum value, and a tokenized form of the enum value.

The macro also supports returing the string version of the enum value in the case that there is a non-tokenizing backend, using pw::tokenizer::EnumToString().

All enum values in the enum declaration must be present in the macro, and the macro must be in the same namespace as the enum to be able to use the pw::tokenizer::EnumToString() function and avoid compiler errors.

Tokenize a message with arguments in a custom macro#

Projects can leverage the tokenization machinery in whichever way best suits their needs. The most efficient way to use pw_tokenizer is to pass tokenized data to a global handler function. A project’s custom tokenization macro can handle tokenized data in a function of their choosing. The function may accept any arguments, but its final arguments must be:

  • The 32-bit token (pw_tokenizer_Token)

  • The argument types (pw_tokenizer_ArgTypes)

  • Variadic arguments, if any

pw_tokenizer provides two low-level macros to help projects create custom tokenization macros:


Note the spelling difference! The first macro begins with PW_TOKENIZE_ (no R) whereas the second begins with PW_TOKENIZER_.

Use these macros to invoke an encoding function with the token, argument types, and variadic arguments. The function can then encode the tokenized message to a buffer using helpers in pw_tokenizer/encode_args.h:


The following example implements a custom tokenization macro similar to pw_log_tokenized.

#include "pw_tokenizer/tokenize.h"

#ifndef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void EncodeTokenizedMessage(uint32_t metadata,
                            pw_tokenizer_Token token,
                            pw_tokenizer_ArgTypes types,

#ifndef __cplusplus
}  // extern "C"

#define PW_LOG_TOKENIZED_ENCODE_MESSAGE(metadata, format, ...)          \
  do {                                                                  \
    PW_TOKENIZE_FORMAT_STRING("logs", UINT32_MAX, format, __VA_ARGS__); \
    EncodeTokenizedMessage(                                             \
        metadata, PW_TOKENIZER_REPLACE_FORMAT_STRING(__VA_ARGS__));     \
  } while (0)

In this example, the EncodeTokenizedMessage function would handle encoding and processing the message. Encoding is done by the pw::tokenizer::EncodedMessage class or pw::tokenizer::EncodeArgs() function from pw_tokenizer/encode_args.h. The encoded message can then be transmitted or stored as needed.

#include "pw_log_tokenized/log_tokenized.h"
#include "pw_tokenizer/encode_args.h"

void HandleTokenizedMessage(pw::log_tokenized::Metadata metadata,
                            pw::span<std::byte> message);

extern "C" void EncodeTokenizedMessage(const uint32_t metadata,
                                       const pw_tokenizer_Token token,
                                       const pw_tokenizer_ArgTypes types,
                                       ...) {
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, types);
  pw::tokenizer::EncodedMessage<kLogBufferSize> encoded_message(token, types, args);

  HandleTokenizedMessage(metadata, encoded_message);

Why use a custom macro

  • Optimal code size. Invoking a free function with the tokenized data results in the smallest possible call site.

  • Pass additional arguments, such as metadata, with the tokenized message.

  • Integrate pw_tokenizer with other systems.

Tokenizing function names#

The string literal tokenization functions support tokenizing string literals or constexpr character arrays (constexpr const char[]). In GCC and Clang, the special __func__ variable and __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ extension are declared as static constexpr char[] in C++ instead of the standard static const char[]. This means that __func__ and __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ can be tokenized while compiling C++ with GCC or Clang.

// Tokenize the special function name variables.
constexpr uint32_t function = PW_TOKENIZE_STRING(__func__);
constexpr uint32_t pretty_function = PW_TOKENIZE_STRING(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

Note that __func__ and __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ are not string literals. They are defined as static character arrays, so they cannot be implicitly concatentated with string literals. For example, printf(__func__ ": %d", 123); will not compile.

Calculate minimum required buffer size#

See pw::tokenizer::MinEncodingBufferSizeBytes().

Encoding Base64#

The tokenizer encodes messages to a compact binary representation. Applications may desire a textual representation of tokenized strings. This makes it easy to use tokenized messages alongside plain text messages, but comes at a small efficiency cost: encoded Base64 messages occupy about 4/3 (133%) as much memory as binary messages.

The Base64 format is comprised of a $ character followed by the Base64-encoded contents of the tokenized message. For example, consider tokenizing the string This is an example: %d! with the argument -1. The string’s token is 0x4b016e66.

Source code: PW_LOG("This is an example: %d!", -1);

 Plain text: This is an example: -1! [23 bytes]

     Binary: 66 6e 01 4b 01          [ 5 bytes]

     Base64: $Zm4BSwE=               [ 9 bytes]

To encode with the Base64 format, add a call to pw::tokenizer::PrefixedBase64Encode or pw_tokenizer_PrefixedBase64Encode in the tokenizer handler function. For example,

void TokenizedMessageHandler(const uint8_t encoded_message[],
                             size_t size_bytes) {
  pw::InlineBasicString base64 = pw::tokenizer::PrefixedBase64Encode(
      pw::span(encoded_message, size_bytes));

  TransmitLogMessage(, base64.size());

Reduce token size with masking#

pw_tokenizer uses 32-bit tokens. On 32-bit or 64-bit architectures, using fewer than 32 bits does not improve runtime or code size efficiency. However, when tokens are packed into data structures or stored in arrays, the size of the token directly affects memory usage. In those cases, every bit counts, and it may be desireable to use fewer bits for the token.

pw_tokenizer allows users to provide a mask to apply to the token. This masked token is used in both the token database and the code. The masked token is not a masked version of the full 32-bit token, the masked token is the token. This makes it trivial to decode tokens that use fewer than 32 bits.

Masking functionality is provided through the *_MASK versions of the macros:

For example, the following generates 16-bit tokens and packs them into an existing value.

constexpr uint32_t token = PW_TOKENIZE_STRING_MASK("domain", 0xFFFF, "Pigweed!");
uint32_t packed_word = (other_bits << 16) | token;

Tokens are hashes, so tokens of any size have a collision risk. The fewer bits used for tokens, the more likely two strings are to hash to the same token. See Token collisions.

Masked tokens without arguments may be encoded in fewer bytes. For example, the 16-bit token 0x1234 may be encoded as two little-endian bytes (34 12) rather than four (34 12 00 00). The detokenizer tools zero-pad data smaller than four bytes. Tokens with arguments must always be encoded as four bytes.

Keep tokens from different sources separate with domains#

pw_tokenizer supports having multiple tokenization domains. Domains are a string label associated with each tokenized string. This allows projects to keep tokens from different sources separate. Potential use cases include the following:

  • Keep large sets of tokenized strings separate to avoid collisions.

  • Create a separate database for a small number of strings that use truncated tokens, for example only 10 or 16 bits instead of the full 32 bits.

When a domain is specified, any whitespace will be ignored in domain names and removed from the database.

If no domain is specified, the domain is empty (""). For many projects, this default domain is sufficient, so no additional configuration is required.

// Tokenizes this string to the default ("") domain.
PW_TOKENIZE_STRING("Hello, world!");

// Tokenizes this string to the "my_custom_domain" domain.
PW_TOKENIZE_STRING_DOMAIN("my_custom_domain", "Hello, world!");

The database and detokenization command line tools default to loading tokens from all domains. The domain may be specified for ELF files by appending #DOMAIN_NAME_REGEX to the file path. Use # to only read from the default domain. For example, the following reads strings in some_domain from my_image.elf.

./ create --database my_db.csv "path/to/my_image.elf#some_domain"

See Managing token databases for information about the command line tool.

Limitations, bugs, and future work#

GCC bug: tokenization in template functions#

GCC releases prior to 14 incorrectly ignore the section attribute for template functions and variables. The bug causes tokenized strings in template functions to be emitted into .rodata instead of the tokenized string section, so they cannot be extracted for detokenization.

Fortunately, this is simple to work around in the linker script. pw_tokenizer_linker_sections.ld includes a statement that pulls tokenized string entries from .rodata into the tokenized string section. See b/321306079 for details.

If tokenization is working, but strings in templates are not appearing in token databases, check the following:

  • The full contents of the latest version of pw_tokenizer_linker_sections.ld are included with the linker script. The linker script was updated in

  • The -fdata-sections compilation option is in use. This places each variable in its own section, which is necessary for pulling tokenized string entries from .rodata into the proper section.

64-bit tokenization#

The Python and C++ detokenizing libraries currently assume that strings were tokenized on a system with 32-bit long, size_t, intptr_t, and ptrdiff_t. Decoding may not work correctly for these types if a 64-bit device performed the tokenization.

Supporting detokenization of strings tokenized on 64-bit targets would be simple. This could be done by adding an option to switch the 32-bit types to 64-bit. The tokenizer stores the sizes of these types in the ELF section, so the sizes of these types can be verified by checking the ELF file, if necessary.

Tokenization in headers#

Tokenizing code in header files (inline functions or templates) may trigger warnings such as -Wlto-type-mismatch under certain conditions. That is because tokenization requires declaring a character array for each tokenized string. If the tokenized string includes macros that change value, the size of this character array changes, which means the same static variable is defined with different sizes. It should be safe to suppress these warnings, but, when possible, code that tokenizes strings with macros that can change value should be moved to source files rather than headers.

Tokenization in Python#

The Python pw_tokenizer.encode module has limited support for encoding tokenized messages with the pw_tokenizer.encode.encode_token_and_args() function. This function requires a string’s token is already calculated. Typically these tokens are provided by a database, but they can be manually created using the tokenizer hash.

pw_tokenizer.tokens.pw_tokenizer_65599_hash() is particularly useful for offline token database generation in cases where tokenized strings in a binary cannot be embedded as parsable pw_tokenizer entries.


In C, the hash length of a string has a fixed limit controlled by PW_TOKENIZER_CFG_C_HASH_LENGTH. To match tokens produced by C (as opposed to C++) code, pw_tokenizer_65599_hash() should be called with a matching hash length limit. When creating an offline database, it’s a good idea to generate tokens for both, and merge the databases.

Encoding CLI tool#

The pw_tokenizer.encode command line tool can be used to encode format strings and optional arguments.

python -m pw_tokenizer.encode [-h] FORMAT_STRING [ARG ...]


$ python -m pw_tokenizer.encode "There's... %d many of %s!" 2 them
      Raw input: "There's... %d many of %s!" % (2, 'them')
Formatted input: There's... 2 many of them!
          Token: 0xb6ef8b2d
        Encoded: b'-\x8b\xef\xb6\x04\x04them' (2d 8b ef b6 04 04 74 68 65 6d) [10 bytes]
Prefixed Base64: $LYvvtgQEdGhlbQ==

See --help for full usage details.


Case study#


This section discusses the implementation, results, and lessons learned from a real-world deployment of pw_tokenizer.

The tokenizer module was developed to bring tokenized logging to an in-development product. The product already had an established text-based logging system. Deploying tokenization was straightforward and had substantial benefits.


  • Log contents shrunk by over 50%, even with Base64 encoding.

    • Significant size savings for encoded logs, even using the less-efficient Base64 encoding required for compatibility with the existing log system.

    • Freed valuable communication bandwidth.

    • Allowed storing many more logs in crash dumps.

  • Substantial flash savings.

    • Reduced the size firmware images by up to 18%.

  • Simpler logging code.

    • Removed CPU-heavy snprintf calls.

    • Removed complex code for forwarding log arguments to a low-priority task.

This section describes the tokenizer deployment process and highlights key insights.

Firmware deployment#

  • In the project’s logging macro, calls to the underlying logging function were replaced with a tokenized log macro invocation.

  • The log level was passed as the payload argument to facilitate runtime log level control.

  • For this project, it was necessary to encode the log messages as text. In the handler function the log messages were encoded in the $-prefixed Encoding Base64, then dispatched as normal log messages.

  • Asserts were tokenized a callback-based API that has been removed (a custom macro is a better alternative).


Do not encode line numbers in tokenized strings. This results in a huge number of lines being added to the database, since every time code moves, new strings are tokenized. If pw_log_tokenized is used, line numbers are encoded in the log metadata. Line numbers may also be included by by adding "%d" to the format string and passing __LINE__.

Database management#

  • The token database was stored as a CSV file in the project’s Git repo.

  • The token database was automatically updated as part of the build, and developers were expected to check in the database changes alongside their code changes.

  • A presubmit check verified that all strings added by a change were added to the token database.

  • The token database included logs and asserts for all firmware images in the project.

  • No strings were purged from the token database.


Merge conflicts may be a frequent occurrence with an in-source CSV database. Use the Directory database format instead.

Decoding tooling deployment#

  • The Python detokenizer in pw_tokenizer was deployed to two places:

    • Product-specific Python command line tools, using pw_tokenizer.Detokenizer.

    • Standalone script for decoding prefixed Base64 tokens in files or live output (e.g. from adb), using’s command line interface.

  • The C++ detokenizer library was deployed to two Android apps with a Java Native Interface (JNI) layer.

    • The binary token database was included as a raw resource in the APK.

    • In one app, the built-in token database could be overridden by copying a file to the phone.


Make the tokenized logging tools simple to use for your project.

  • Provide simple wrapper shell scripts that fill in arguments for the project. For example, point to the project’s token databases.

  • Use pw_tokenizer.AutoUpdatingDetokenizer to decode in continuously-running tools, so that users don’t have to restart the tool when the token database updates.

  • Integrate detokenization everywhere it is needed. Integrating the tools takes just a few lines of code, and token databases can be embedded in APKs or binaries.