Lightweight proxy for augmenting Bluetooth functionality
Unstable C++17
The pw_bluetooth_proxy
module provides a lightweight proxy host that
can be placed between a Bluetooth host and Bluetooth controller to add
additional functionality or inspection. All without modifying the host or the
An example use case could be offloading some functionality from a main host located on the application processor to instead be handled on the MCU (to reduce power usage).
The proxy acts as a proxy of all host controller interface (HCI) packets between the host and the controller.
acts as the main coordinator for
proxy functionality.
#include "pw_bluetooth_proxy/proxy_host.h"
// Container creates ProxyHost .
ProxyHost proxy = ProxyHost(std::move(container_send_to_host_fn),
// Container passes H4 packets from host through proxy. Proxy will in turn
// call the container-provided `container_send_to_controller_fn` to pass them
// on to the controller. Some packets may be modified, added, or removed.
// Container passes H4 packets from controller through proxy. Proxy will in
// turn call the container-provided `container_send_to_host_fn` to pass them
// on to the controller. Some packets may be modified, added, or removed.
Get started#
Add Emboss to your project as described in Emboss.
Bazel isn’t supported yet.
2. Then add $dir_pw_bluetooth_proxy
the deps
list in your pw_executable()
build target:
pw_executable("...") {
# ...
deps = [
# ...
# ...
2. Then add pw_bluetooth_proxy
the DEPS
list in your cmake target:
API reference#
class ProxyHost#
acts as the main coordinator for proxy functionality. After creation, the container then passes packets through the proxy.Public Functions
- ProxyHost(
- pw::Function<void(H4PacketWithHci &&packet)> &&send_to_host_fn,
- pw::Function<void(H4PacketWithH4 &&packet)> &&send_to_controller_fn,
- uint16_t le_acl_credits_to_reserve,
- uint16_t br_edr_acl_credits_to_reserve,
Creates an
that will process HCI packets.- Parameters:
send_to_host_fn – [in] Callback that will be called when proxy wants to send HCI packet towards the host.
send_to_controller_fn – [in] - Callback that will be called when proxy wants to send HCI packet towards the controller.
le_acl_credits_to_reserve – [in] - How many buffers to reserve for the proxy out of any LE ACL buffers received from controller.
br_edr_acl_credits_to_reserve – [in] - How many buffers to reserve for the proxy out of any BR/EDR ACL buffers received from controller.
Deregisters all channels, and if any channels are not yet closed, closes them and sends
void HandleH4HciFromHost(H4PacketWithH4 &&h4_packet)#
Called by container to ask proxy to handle a H4 HCI packet sent from the host side towards the controller side. Proxy will in turn call the
provided during construction to pass the packet on to the controller. Some packets may be modified, added, or removed.The proxy host currently does not require any from-host packets to support its current functionality. It will pass on all packets, so containers can choose to just pass all from-host packets through it.
Container is required to call this function synchronously (one packet at a time).
void HandleH4HciFromController(H4PacketWithHci &&h4_packet)#
Called by container to ask proxy to handle a H4 packet sent from the controller side towards the host side. Proxy will in turn call the
provided during construction to pass the packet on to the host. Some packets may be modified, added, or removed.To support all of its current functionality, the proxy host needs at least the following from-controller packets passed through it. It will pass on all other packets, so containers can choose to just pass all from-controller packets through the proxy host.
All packets of this type:
L2CAP over ACL packets (specifically those addressed to channels managed by the proxy host, including signaling packets)
HCI_Command_Complete events (7.7.14) containing return parameters for these commands:
HCI_LE_Read_Buffer_Size [v1] command (7.8.2)
HCI_LE_Read_Buffer_Size [v2] command (7.8.2)
These HCI event packets:
HCI_Number_Of_Completed_Packets event (7.7.19)
HCI_Disconnection_Complete event (7.7.5)
Container is required to call this function synchronously (one packet at a time).
void Reset()#
Called when an HCI_Reset Command packet is observed. Proxy resets its internal state. Deregisters all channels, and if any channels are not yet closed, closes them and sends
.May also be called by container to notify proxy that the Bluetooth system is being otherwise reset.
Warning: Outstanding H4 packets are not invalidated upon reset. If they are destructed post-reset, packets generated post-reset are liable to be overwritten prematurely.
void RegisterL2capStatusDelegate(L2capStatusDelegate &delegate)#
Register for notifications of connection and disconnection for a particular L2cap service identified by its PSM.
- Parameters:
delegate – [in] A delegate that will be notified when a successful L2cap connection is made on its PSM. Note: This must outlive the ProxyHost.
void UnregisterL2capStatusDelegate(L2capStatusDelegate &delegate)#
Unregister a service delegate.
- Parameters:
delegate – [in] The delegate to unregister. Must have been previously registered.
- pw::Result<L2capCoc> AcquireL2capCoc(
- pw::multibuf::MultiBufAllocator &rx_multibuf_allocator,
- uint16_t connection_handle,
- L2capCoc::CocConfig rx_config,
- L2capCoc::CocConfig tx_config,
- Function<void(multibuf::MultiBuf &&payload)> &&receive_fn,
- Function<void(L2capChannelEvent event)> &&event_fn,
Returns an L2CAP connection-oriented channel that supports writing to and reading from a remote peer.
- Parameters:
rx_multibuf_allocator – [in] Provides the allocator the channel will use for its Rx buffers (for both queueing and returning to the client).
connection_handle – [in] The connection handle of the remote peer.
rx_config – [in] Parameters applying to reading packets. See
for details.tx_config – [in] Parameters applying to writing packets. See
for details.receive_fn – [in] Read callback to be invoked on Rx SDUs.
event_fn – [in] Handle asynchronous events such as errors and flow control events encountered by the channel. See
- Returns:
If arguments are invalid (check logs). UNAVAILABLE: If channel could not be created because no memory was available to accommodate an additional ACL connection.
pw::Status SendAdditionalRxCredits(uint16_t connection_handle, uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t additional_rx_credits)#
TODO: - Delete after downstream client uses this method on
.- Deprecated:
Use L2capCoc::SendAdditionalRxCredits instead.
- pw::Result<BasicL2capChannel> AcquireBasicL2capChannel(
- multibuf::MultiBufAllocator &rx_multibuf_allocator,
- uint16_t connection_handle,
- uint16_t local_cid,
- uint16_t remote_cid,
- AclTransportType transport,
- OptionalPayloadReceiveCallback &&payload_from_controller_fn,
- OptionalPayloadReceiveCallback &&payload_from_host_fn,
- Function<void(L2capChannelEvent event)> &&event_fn,
Returns an L2CAP channel operating in basic mode that supports writing to and reading from a remote peer.
- Parameters:
rx_multibuf_allocator – [in] Provides the allocator the channel will use for its Rx buffers (for both queueing and returning to the client).
connection_handle – [in] The connection handle of the remote peer.
local_cid – [in] L2CAP channel ID of the local endpoint.
remote_cid – [in] L2CAP channel ID of the remote endpoint.
transport – [in] Logical link transport type.
payload_from_controller_fn – [in] Read callback to be invoked on Rx SDUs. Return value of passed-in multibuf indicates the packet should be forwarded on to host.
payload_from_host_fn – [in] Read callback to be invoked on Tx SDUs. Return value of passed-in multibuf indicates the packet should be forwarded on to the controller.
event_fn – [in] Handle asynchronous events such as errors encountered by the channel. See
- Returns:
If arguments are invalid (check logs). UNAVAILABLE: If channel could not be created because no memory was available to accommodate an additional ACL connection.
- pw::Result<GattNotifyChannel> AcquireGattNotifyChannel(
- int16_t connection_handle,
- uint16_t attribute_handle,
- Function<void(L2capChannelEvent event)> &&event_fn = nullptr,
Returns a GATT Notify channel channel that supports sending notifications to a particular connection handle and attribute.
- Parameters:
connection_handle – [in] The connection handle of the peer to notify. Maximum valid connection handle is 0x0EFF.
attribute_handle – [in] The attribute handle the notify should be sent on. Cannot be 0.
event_fn – [in] Handle asynchronous events such as errors and flow control events encountered by the channel. See
- Returns:
If arguments are invalid (check logs). UNAVAILABLE: If channel could not be created because no memory was available to accommodate an additional ACL connection.
StatusWithMultiBuf SendGattNotify(uint16_t connection_handle, uint16_t attribute_handle, pw::multibuf::MultiBuf &&payload)#
Send a GATT Notify to the indicated connection.
- Deprecated:
Clients should use
and then callGattNotifyChannel::Write
on that.
- Parameters:
connection_handle – [in] The connection handle of the peer to notify. Maximum valid connection handle is 0x0EFF.
attribute_handle – [in] The attribute handle the notify should be sent on. Cannot be 0.
attribute_value – [in] The client payload to be sent. Payload will be destroyed once its data has been used.
- Returns:
If notify was successfully queued for send. UNAVAILABLE: If CHRE doesn’t have resources to queue the send at this time (transient error).
If arguments are invalid (check logs).
pw::Status SendGattNotify(uint16_t connection_handle, uint16_t attribute_handle, pw::span<const uint8_t> attribute_value)#
Send a GATT Notify to the indicated connection.
Deprecated, use MultiBuf version above instead.
- Deprecated:
Clients should use
and then callGattNotifyChannel::Write
on that.
- Parameters:
connection_handle – [in] The connection handle of the peer to notify. Maximum valid connection handle is 0x0EFF.
attribute_handle – [in] The attribute handle the notify should be sent on. Cannot be 0.
attribute_value – [in] The data to be sent. Data will be copied before function completes.
- Returns:
If notify was successfully queued for send. UNAVAILABLE: If CHRE doesn’t have resources to queue the send at this time (transient error). INVALID_ARGUMENT: If arguments are invalid (check logs).
- pw::Result<RfcommChannel> AcquireRfcommChannel(
- multibuf::MultiBufAllocator &rx_multibuf_allocator,
- uint16_t connection_handle,
- RfcommChannel::Config rx_config,
- RfcommChannel::Config tx_config,
- uint8_t channel_number,
- Function<void(multibuf::MultiBuf &&payload)> &&payload_from_controller_fn,
- Function<void(L2capChannelEvent event)> &&event_fn,
Returns an RFCOMM channel that supports writing to and reading from a remote peer.
- Parameters:
rx_multibuf_allocator – [in] Provides the allocator the channel will use for its Rx buffers (for both queueing and returning to the client).
connection_handle – [in] The connection handle of the remote peer.
rx_config – [in] Parameters applying to reading packets. See
for details.tx_config – [in] Parameters applying to writing packets. See
for details.channel_number – [in] RFCOMM channel number to use.
payload_from_controller_fn – [in] Read callback to be invoked on Rx frames.
event_fn – [in] Handle asynchronous events such as errors encountered by the channel. See
- Returns:
If arguments are invalid (check logs). UNAVAILABLE: If channel could not be created.
bool HasSendLeAclCapability() const#
Indicates whether the proxy has the capability of sending LE ACL packets. Note that this indicates intention, so it can be true even if the proxy has not yet or has been unable to reserve credits from the host.
bool HasSendBrEdrAclCapability() const#
Indicates whether the proxy has the capability of sending BR/EDR ACL packets. Note that this indicates intention, so it can be true even if the proxy has not yet or has been unable to reserve credits from the host.
uint16_t GetNumFreeLeAclPackets() const#
Returns the number of available LE ACL send credits for the proxy. Can be zero if the controller has not yet been initialized by the host.
uint16_t GetNumFreeBrEdrAclPackets() const#
Returns the number of available BR/EDR ACL send credits for the proxy. Can be zero if the controller has not yet been initialized by the host.
Public Static Functions
static inline constexpr size_t GetNumSimultaneousAclSendsSupported()#
Returns the max number of LE ACL sends that can be in-flight at one time. That is, ACL packets that have been sent and not yet released.
static inline constexpr size_t GetMaxAclSendSize()#
Returns the max LE ACL packet size supported to be sent.
static inline constexpr size_t GetMaxNumAclConnections()#
Returns the max number of simultaneous LE ACL connections supported.
Code size analysis#
Delta when constructing a proxy and just sending packets through.
The size report that is usually displayed here is temporarily unavailable while we migrate the build system from GN to Bazel. See b/388905812 for updates.
ACL flow control
Sending GATT notifications
CMake support
Receiving GATT notifications
Taking ownership of a L2CAP channel
Bazel support
And more…