The pw_log_tokenized
module contains utilities for tokenized logging. It
connects pw_log
to pw_tokenizer
and supports
Tokenized log arguments.
C++ backend#
provides a backend for pw_log
that tokenizes log
messages with the pw_tokenizer
module. The log level, 16-bit tokenized
module name, and flags bits are passed through the payload argument. The macro
eventually passes logs to the pw_log_tokenized_HandleLog()
which must be implemented by the application.
void pw_log_tokenized_HandleLog(uint32_t metadata, const uint8_t encoded_message[], size_t size_bytes)#
Function that is called for each log message. The metadata
can be converted to apw::log_tokenized::Metadata
. The message is passed as a pointer to a buffer and a size. The pointer is invalidated after this function returns, so the buffer must be copied.
Example implementation:
extern "C" void pw_log_tokenized_HandleLog(
uint32_t payload, const uint8_t message[], size_t size) {
// The metadata object provides the log level, module token, and flags.
// These values can be recorded and used for runtime filtering.
pw::log_tokenized::Metadata metadata(payload);
if (metadata.level() < current_log_level) {
if (metadata.flags() & HIGH_PRIORITY_LOG != 0) {
EmitHighPriorityLog(metadata.module(), message, size);
} else {
EmitLowPriorityLog(metadata.module(), message, size);
See the documentation for pw_tokenizer for further details.
Metadata in the format string#
With tokenized logging, the log format string is converted to a 32-bit token. Regardless of how long the format string is, it’s always represented by a 32-bit token. Because of this, metadata can be packed into the tokenized string with no cost.
uses a simple key-value format to encode metadata in a
format string. Each field starts with the ■
(U+25A0 “Black Square”)
character, followed by the key name, the ♦
(U+2666 “Black Diamond Suit”)
character, and then the value. The string is encoded as UTF-8. Key names are
comprised of alphanumeric ASCII characters and underscore and start with a
This format makes the message easily machine parseable and human readable. It is extremely unlikely to conflict with log message contents due to the characters used.
uses three fields: msg
, module
, and file
Implementations may add other fields, but they will be ignored by the
"■msg♦Hyperdrive %d set to %f■module♦engine■file♦propulsion/"
Using key-value pairs allows placing the fields in any order.
places the message first. This is prefered when tokenizing
C code because the tokenizer only hashes a fixed number of characters. If the
file were first, the long path might take most of the hashed characters,
increasing the odds of a collision with other strings in that file. In C++, all
characters in the string are hashed, so the order is not important.
The format string is created by the PW_LOG_TOKENIZED_FORMAT_STRING
This macro takes the
module name and format string to produce a new string that will be tokenized. Any information can be packed into this string without affecting code size, since tokenization removes it from the binary. By default,pw_log_tokenized
includes three fields as key-value pair: log module, message, and file path (__FILE__
Metadata in the tokenizer payload argument#
packs runtime-accessible metadata into a 32-bit integer
which is passed as the “payload” argument for pw_log_tokenizer
’s global
handler with payload facade. Packing this metadata into a single word rather
than separate arguments reduces the code size significantly.
Four items are packed into the payload argument:
Log level – Used for runtime log filtering by level.
Line number – Used to track where a log message originated.
Log flags – Implementation-defined log flags.
– Used for runtime log filtering by module.
Configuring metadata bit fields#
The number of bits to use for each metadata field is configurable through macros
in pw_log/config.h
. The field widths must sum to 32 bits. A field with zero
bits allocated is excluded from the log metadata.
Bits to allocate for the log level. Defaults to
Bits to allocate for the line number. Defaults to 11 (up to line 2047). If the line number is too large to be represented by this field, line is reported as 0.
Including the line number can slightly increase code size. Without the line number, the log metadata argument is the same for all logs with the same level and flags. With the line number, each metadata value is unique and must be encoded as a separate word in the binary. Systems with extreme space constraints may exclude line numbers by setting this macro to 0.
It is possible to include line numbers in tokenized log format strings, but that is discouraged because line numbers change whenever a file is edited. Passing the line number with the metadata is a lightweight way to include it.
Bits to use for implementation-defined flags. Defaults to 2.
Bits to use for the tokenized version of
. Defaults to 16, which gives a ~1% probability of a collision with 37 module names.
Creating and reading Metadata payloads#
provides a C++ class to facilitate the creation and
interpretation of packed log metadata payloads.
template<unsigned kLevelBits, unsigned kLineBits, unsigned kFlagBits, unsigned kModuleBits, typename T = uintptr_t>
class GenericMetadata# GenericMetadata
facilitates the creation and interpretation of packed log metadata payloads. TheGenericMetadata
class allows flags, log level, line number, and a module identifier to be packed into bit fields of configurable size.Typically, the
alias should be used instead.
alias simplifies the bit field width templatization ofGenericMetadata
by pulling from this module’s configuration options. In most cases, it’s recommended to useMetadata
to create or read metadata payloads.A
object can be created from auint32_t
The following example shows that a Metadata
object can be created from a
log metadata payload.
extern "C" void pw_log_tokenized_HandleLog(
uint32_t payload,
const uint8_t message[],
size_t size_bytes) {
pw::log_tokenized::Metadata metadata = payload;
// Check the log level to see if this log is a crash.
if (metadata.level() == PW_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL) {
HandleCrash(metadata, pw::ConstByteSpan(
reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(message), size_bytes));
// ...
It’s also possible to get a uint32_t
representation of a Metadata
// Logs an explicitly created string token.
void LogToken(uint32_t token, int level, int line_number, int module) {
const uint32_t payload =
level, module, PW_LOG_FLAGS, line_number)
std::array<std::byte, sizeof(token)> token_buffer =
pw::bytes::CopyInOrder(endian::little, token);
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
The binary tokenized message may be encoded in the prefixed Base64 format with the following function:
- inline InlineString<kBase64EncodedBufferSizeBytes> pw::log_tokenized::PrefixedBase64Encode(
- span<const std::byte> binary_message,
Encodes a binary tokenized log in the prefixed Base64 format. Calls
for a string sized to fit akEncodingBufferSizeBytes
tokenized log.
Build targets#
The GN build for pw_log_tokenized
has two targets: pw_log_tokenized
. The pw_log_tokenized
target provides the
header. The log_backend
implements the backend for the pw_log
facade. pw_log_tokenized
the pw_log_tokenized:handler
facade, which must be implemented by the user
of pw_log_tokenized
GCC has a bug resulting in section attributes of templated functions being
ignored. This in turn means that log tokenization cannot work for templated
functions, because the token database entries are lost at build time.
For more information see
If you are using GCC, the gcc_partially_tokenized
target can be used as a
backend for the pw_log
facade instead which tokenizes as much as possible
and uses the pw_log_string:handler
for the rest using string logging.
Python package#
includes a Python package for decoding tokenized logs.
Tools for working with tokenized logs.
- class pw_log_tokenized.FormatStringWithMetadata(string: str)#
Parses metadata from a log format string with metadata fields.
- __init__(string: str) None #
- property file: str#
- property message: str#
Displays the msg field or the whole string if it is not present.
- property module: str#
- class pw_log_tokenized.Metadata(value: int, log_bits: int = 3, line_bits: int = 11, flag_bits: int = 2, module_bits: int = 16)#
Parses the metadata payload used by pw_log_tokenized.
- __init__(value: int, log_bits: int = 3, line_bits: int = 11, flag_bits: int = 2, module_bits: int = 16) None #
- flag_bits: int = 2#
- line_bits: int = 11#
- log_bits: int = 3#
- module_bits: int = 16#
- value: int#