
pw_stream_uart_mcuxpresso implements the pw_stream interface for reading and writing to a UART using the NXP MCUXpresso SDK. UartStreamMcuxpresso version uses the CPU to read and write to the UART, while UartDmaStreamMcuxpresso uses DMA transfers to read and write to the UART minimizing the CPU utilization.

InterruptSafeUartWriterMcuxpresso implements an interrupt safe write-only stream to UART. Intended for use in fault handlers. It can be constructed constinit for use in pre-static constructor environments as well.


This module will likely be superseded by a future pw_uart interface.


This module requires a little setup:

  1. Use pw_build_mcuxpresso to create a pw_source_set for an MCUXpresso SDK.

  2. Include the debug console component in this SDK definition.

  3. Specify the pw_third_party_mcuxpresso_SDK GN global variable to specify the name of this source set.

  4. Use a target that calls pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso_Init in pw_boot_PreMainInit or similar.

The name of the SDK source set must be set in the “pw_third_party_mcuxpresso_SDK” GN arg


UartStreamMcuxpresso example:

 1  constexpr uint32_t kFlexcomm = 0;
 2  constexpr uint32_t kBaudRate = 115200;
 3  std::array<std::byte, 20> kBuffer = {};
 5  auto stream = pw::stream::UartStreamMcuxpresso{
 6      USART0, kBaudRate, kUSART_ParityDisabled, kUSART_OneStopBit, kBuffer};
 8  PW_TRY(stream.Init(CLOCK_GetFlexcommClkFreq(kFlexcomm)));
10  std::array<std::byte, 10> to_write = {};
11  PW_TRY(stream.Write(to_write));

UartDmaStreamMcuxpresso example:

 1  constexpr uint32_t kFlexcomm = 0;
 2  const auto kUartBase = USART0;
 3  constexpr uint32_t kBaudRate = 115200;
 4  std::array<std::byte, 65536> ring_buffer = {};
 5  constexpr uint32_t kUartRxDmaCh = 0;
 6  constexpr uint32_t kUartTxDmaCh = 1;
 8  const pw::stream::UartDmaStreamMcuxpresso::Config kConfig = {
 9      .usart_base = kUartBase,
10      .baud_rate = kBaudRate,
11      .parity = kUSART_ParityDisabled,
12      .stop_bits = kUSART_OneStopBit,
13      .dma_base = DMA0,
14      .rx_dma_ch = kUartRxDmaCh,
15      .tx_dma_ch = kUartTxDmaCh,
16      .rx_input_mux_dmac_ch_request_en =
17          kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm0RxToDmac0Ch0RequestEna,
18      .tx_input_mux_dmac_ch_request_en =
19          kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm0TxToDmac0Ch1RequestEna,
20      .buffer = pw::ByteSpan(ring_buffer)};
22  auto stream = pw::stream::UartDmaStreamMcuxpresso{kConfig};
24  PW_TRY(stream.Init(CLOCK_GetFlexcommClkFreq(kFlexcomm)));

InterruptSafeUartWriterMcuxpresso example:

1  constexpr uint32_t kBaudRate = 115200;
2  static constinit pw::stream::InterruptSafeUartWriterMcuxpresso
3      crash_safe_uart(USART0_BASE, kCLOCK_Flexcomm0Clk, kBaudRate);
5  PW_TRY(crash_safe_uart.Enable());